New-UDAutocompleteOption Not Displaying Properly On Selection

        New-UDAutocomplete -Id "txtContact" -Label User -OnLoadOptions {
            if($Body.Length -gt 3) {
                $contactResults = (Get-SFParameterizedSearch -SearchText $Body -ObjectType "Contact" -Fields @("Name","ApplyUserId__c") -Limit 10).searchRecords
                foreach($contact in $contactResults){
                        New-UDAutocompleteOption -Name $contact.Name -Value $contact.ApplyUserId__c

This shows the options correctly but when you select an option it puts [object Object] in the autocomplete field then states:

Error rendering component (mu-autocomplete) This error is not expected. Please report it to Ironman Software.

Alse the Details State:

Error rendering component (mu-autocomplete)
TypeError: input.toLowerCase is not a function

Though I am able to get my data in $EventData the user will have to refresh the page to perform another action with the autocomplete because of this interface glitch

FYI, I am running version 3.8.8

You can also replicate the issue with this:

        New-UDAutocomplete -Id "txtContact" -Label User -OnLoadOptions {
            if($Body.Length -gt 2) {
                $testList = @(
                        "Name" = "TestName1"
                        "Value" = "TestValue1"
                        "Name" = "TestName2"
                        "Value" = "TestValue2"
                        "Name" = "TestName3"
                        "Value" = "TestValue3"
                foreach($item in $testList){
                    New-UDAutocompleteOption -Name $item.Name -Value $item.Value

@adam Is it possible to get this on your list for a fix?