@adam , some further logs when running:
Create Dashboard - Pages
$Pages = @()
$Pages += New-UDPage -id "PageAdmin" -Name "Admin" -DefaultHomePage -Title "Administration" -Endpoint {
# Loader
New-UdColumn -Endpoint {
Show-UDToast -Message $Session:Loading
New-UDParagraph -Text $Session:Loading
New-UDPreloader -PercentComplete $Session:Loading
} -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1
New-UdColumn -Endpoint {
$Session:Loading = 0
do {
$Session:Loading ++
Start-Sleep 1
} until ($Session:Loading -eq 50)
New-UDDashboard -Title 'Testing' -Pages $Pages
Error Output:
[10-08-20 10:09:36 AM] Dashboard configuration complete.
[10-08-20 10:09:42 AM] PS: One or more errors occurred. (Cannot overwrite variable null because it is read-only or constant.) (Cannot overwrite variable null because it is read-only or constant.)
[10-08-20 10:09:43 AM] PS: One or more errors occurred. (Cannot overwrite variable null because it is read-only or constant.) (Cannot overwrite variable null because it is read-only or constant.)
[10-08-20 10:09:43 AM] PS: Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘Message’ because it is an empty string.
[10-08-20 10:09:43 AM] PS: Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘PercentComplete’. The argument is null, empty, or an element of the argument collection contains a null value. Supply a collection that does not contain any null values and then try the command again.
[10-08-20 10:09:44 AM] PS: Cannot convert argument “icon”, with value: “”, for “GetIconName” to type “UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIcons”: "Cannot convert null to type “UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIcons” due to enumeration values that are not valid. Specify one of the following enumeration values and try again. The possible enumeration values are "None,ad,address_book,address_card,adjust,air_freshener,align_center,align_justify,align_left,align_right,allergies,ambulance,american_sign_language_interpreting,anchor,angle_double_down,angle_double_left,angle_double_right,angle_double_up,angle_down,
Not sure why i am getting an icon error when i am not calling any icons, but the other errors seem related to not being able to read $Session:Loading however this does exist as the Toast is showing the messages correctly.