More examples of New-UDHidden?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.5.4

Reading through the doc for new-UDHidden and I can’t seem to wrap my head around how it works. Has anyone used it yet that can give a more in depth example of it’s use?

It’s all about screen sizes. The breakpoints default to particular pixel sizes of screen.

You can customize these sizes with a custom theme.

This example is showing that it will hide this content on large screens. You can resize your browser window to see the effect. You can think of -Up as “up to this size”.

New-UDHidden -Up xl -Content {
    New-UDTypography 'xl'

Down is for hiding things only if they are below the specified size. This example will hide the typography on screen sizes sm and lower.

New-UDHidden -Down sm -Content {
    New-UDTypography 'sm'

Only is used to specifically hide at screen sizes. This example hides the typography on the sm screen size but not any other screen size.

New-UDHidden -Down sm -Content {
    New-UDTypography 'sm'

Ahh! That makes sense. I wasn’t even thinking about screen size in this context. Thanks for the info!