Show-UDModul fix size?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.7.4


after the update I have problems with Show-UDModule among other things.
The size of the form is no longer automatically determined by the content.

Before the update, the shape had adjusted to the content. Now this appears to be fixed.

How can I influence the size?

Screenshot 2023-01-15 115329

This dashboard is really great looking! Would you be willing to share the code (or at least the bits that you can)?
It really is quite nice. congrats.

Can you try adjusting the -MaxWidth size to something like xl? I’d also recommend using the -FullWidth parameter to get the modal to stretch out.


and thank you for the compliment. I didn’t like the corporate colors at first but that changed over time. White, gray and orange has a certain charm.

In principle I don’t mind providing the code as far as it goes but on the other hand there are dependencies, badly written functions, more complex relationships and a lot of repetitions.
The solution from the picture consists of 32000 lines of code over 5 dashboards, 5 APIs and that’s not including the 20 scripts and 2 modules. The backend has 3 databases and without them nothing works.

Here is an excerpt from my code concept about dashboard and API:

$Theme = @{
    light = @{
        palette = @{
            type       = 'light'
            primary    = @{
                main  = '#454545'
                light = '#ffc568'
                dark  = '#dc7700'
            divider    = '#ef6c00'
            warning    = @{
                main = '#ffc107'
            secondary  = @{
                main = '#ff6d00'
            background = @{
                default = '#e0e0e0'
        shape   = @{
            borderRadius = 7
        props   = @{
            MuiList     = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiMenuItem = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiTable    = @{
                size = 'small'
            MuiTabs     = @{
                textColor      = 'secondary'
                indicatorColor = 'secondary'
    dark  = @{
        palette = @{
            type       = 'dark'
            primary    = @{
                main  = '#f5f5f5'
                light = '#ffc568'
                dark  = '#dc7700'
            divider    = '#ef6c00'
            warning    = @{
                main = '#ffc107'
            secondary  = @{
                main = '#ff6d00'
            background = @{
                default = '#303030'
                paper   = '#424242'
        shape   = @{
            borderRadius = 7
        props   = @{
            MuiList     = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiMenuItem = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiTable    = @{
                size = 'small'
            MuiTabs     = @{
                textColor      = 'secondary'
                indicatorColor = 'secondary'
#Region Function
#Example to get Data from API
function Get-EinmalaufwandBestand {
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Session:Schaltzentrale.SelectedVerfahren.ID))) {
        if (($Session:Schaltzentrale.GetEinmalaufwandBestand -ne $Session:Schaltzentrale.SelectedVerfahren.ID) -or ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Session:Schaltzentrale.GetEinmalaufwandBestand) -or ($Renew.IsPresent))) {
            $transData = [PSCustomObject]::new(@{
                    User        = $User
                    Role        = $Session:Schaltzentrale.PSURolleMitB
                    VerfahrenID = $Session:Schaltzentrale.SelectedVerfahren.ID
            $OutputRest = Send-LDIRestData -RestURI $Session:Schaltzentrale.SQLURI -Method "Post" -Command "GetEinmalaufwandBestand" -transData $transData -BearerToken $Secret:SchaltzentraleRestBearerToken
            if (!($OutputRest -like "FehlerX:*")) {
                foreach ($i in $OutputRest) { if ($i.ServerID -eq 0) { $i.Servername = "VerfahrenAllgemein" } }
                $Session:Schaltzentrale.SollEinmalaufwandBestand = $OutputRest
                $Session:Schaltzentrale.GetEinmalaufwandBestand = $Session:Schaltzentrale.SelectedVerfahren.ID
            } else { $Session:Schaltzentrale.SollEinmalaufwandBestand = $Null ; $Session:Schaltzentrale.GetEinmalaufwandBestand = 0 }
    } else { $Session:Schaltzentrale.SollEinmalaufwandBestand = $Null }


#region Example API Data query
#not part of a dashboard:
# i had some encoding issues because of not using english os. the byte encoding is working for me
#part of the module:
function Send-LDIRestData {
        $transData, # $transData = [PSCustomObject]::new(@{ User = "computer\user" ; Role = "test" })
        $Command, # $Command = "GetSollServer"
        $RestURI, # $RestURI = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUData"
        $Method, # $Method ="Post"
    ) # $a = Invoke-RestMethod $RestURI -Method $Method -Body (@{ Command = $Command ; Data = $transDataJB } | ConvertTo-Json) -UseDefaultCredentials
    $transDataJ = $transData | ConvertTo-Json 
    $transDataJB = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($transDataJ)
    $OutputREST = Invoke-RestMethod $RestURI -Method $Method -Body (@{ 
            Command = $Command
            Data    = $transDataJB
        } | ConvertTo-Json) -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $BearerToken" } -ContentType 'application/json' #-Credential $RestServiceAccount -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication 
    if ($OutputRest -like "FehlerX:*") {
        $ToastID = Get-Random -Minimum 100000 -Maximum 9999999
        Show-UDToast -Message "Fehler bei: $Command `n`nStatus: $OutputREST" -id "ToastRest$ToastID" -Title "Fehler" -MessageColor "Red" -CloseOnClick -Icon 'exclamation_circle' -IconColor 'Red' -Duration 10000
    } elseif ($OutputREST.LDIPSURESTTyp -eq "Toast") {
        if ($OutputREST.ToastString.Length -gt 0) { 
            Show-UDToast -Message "`n$($OutputREST.ToastString | out-string)" -id "ToastRest$ToastID" -Title "Meldung" -MessageColor "Black" -CloseOnClick -Icon 'info_circle' -IconColor 'F17100' -Duration 10000
    $encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)
    return [text.encoding]::UTF8.getstring($encoding.GetBytes(($OutputREST | convertto-json))) | ConvertFrom-Json
#API skelleton:
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*:Encoding' = 'utf8' }
$Fields = $Body | ConvertFrom-Json
$TransData = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Fields.Data) | ConvertFrom-Json

$User = $TransData.User
$Role = $TransData.Role
$EinfacheAbfrage = "Ja"
switch ( $Fields.Command ) {
    'GetVerfahren' {
        $Table = "Soll.Verfahren"
        $SQLQuery = "Select * From [PSU.$Role].[dbo].[Soll.Verfahren] ORDER BY Name;"
        $Output = "Ja"
    } #and many more switch options... only example
if ($EinfacheAbfrage -eq "Ja") {
    $AntwortQuery = @()
    try {
        $AntwortQuery += Invoke-LDIPSUSQL -Table "$Table" -Query $SQLQuery -User "$User" -Role "$Role" -RemoteIPAddress $RemoteIPAddress -Identity $Identity
    } catch {}
    if ($Output -eq "Nein") { if ($error.count -gt 0) { $Antwort = "FehlerX: $Error" } else { $Antwort = "Ok" } }
    else {
        if ($error.count -gt 0) {
            $Antwort = "FehlerX: $Error"
        } else {
            try {
                if ($AntwortQuery.count -gt 0) {
                    $Antwort = $AntwortQuery | Select-Object ($AntwortQuery | Get-Member -MemberType Property -ErrorAction Stop).Name
                } else {
                    $Antwort = $Null
            } catch { $Antwort = "FehlerX: $(foreach ($i in $Error){"$($i.Message) `n" })" }
    $Antwort | ConvertTo-Json
} else {
    $Antwort | ConvertTo-Json
# the Invoke-LDIPSUSQL is a special function written by my own for sql querys and a log option for all not select querys...
#Dashboard continue:
Import-Module Schaltzentrale

$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*:Encoding' = 'utf8' }
$PSUServerCN = "localhost"
$PSUServer = "http://$($PSUServerCN):5000"
$PSUFilePath = "C:\PSU"
$PaperBackgroud = '#F17100f0'
$ProgressColor = '#F17100'
$TabStyle = '.MuiTab-textColorPrimary.Mui-selected { color: #ff6d00; background: #767676;};.MuiTabs-indicator { background: #ff6d00;}'
#region Icons
# $Suche = "Home" ; $Icons = [Enum]::GetNames([UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIcons]) ; $icons.where({$_ -like "*$Suche*"})
$IconKontaktAllgemein = New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size 'lg'
$IconVerfahrenVertragsdaten = New-UDIcon -Icon 'filecontract' -Size 'lg'
$Navigation = {
    New-UDListItem -Label "Verfahren" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url '/Verfahren' } -Icon $IconVerfahrenAllgemein -SubTitle "Verwaltung"
    New-UDListItem -Label "Ressourcen" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect '/Ressourcen' } -SubTitle "Server usw." -Icon $IconServerAllgemein
    New-UDListItem -Label "Verwaltung" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect '/Verwaltung' } -SubTitle "SLA, Sicherheit usw." -Icon $IconVerwaltungZentral
    New-UDListItem -Label "Aufgaben" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect "$PSUServer/SchaltzentralePSR" -OpenInNewWindow } -SubTitle "PSRemoting usw." -Icon $IconVerwaltungAufgabe
    New-UDListItem -Label "Zentrales Adressbuch" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "$PSUServer/ZentraleKontaktVerwaltung" -OpenInNewWindow } -Icon $IconKontaktAllgemein -SubTitle "Kontakte, Tel, EMail"
    New-UDListItem -Label "Zentrale Informationen" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect "$PSUServer/BetriebLDI" -OpenInNewWindow } -Icon $IconZentralInfo -SubTitle "KRT, LTNs, IPs"
    New-UDListItem -Label "Zentrale Verwaltung" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect "$PSUServer/Schaltkontrollzentrale" -OpenInNewWindow } -Icon $IconZentralVerwaltung -SubTitle "Rollenadministration"
    New-UDListItem -Label "Informationen" -Children {
        New-UDListItem -Label "Bereitgestellt von:" -Nested -SubTitle "Daniel Krauß"
        New-UDListItem -Label "Bereitgestellt für:" -Nested -SubTitle "Daniel Krauß"
        New-UDListItem -Label "Bereitgestellt für:" -Nested -SubTitle "B4 FG1"
    } #-Open 

$Pages = @()
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Verfahren' -Content {
    if ($null -eq $Session:SchaltzentraleVars) {
        #using $Session for data between pages
        $Session:SchaltzentraleVars = "1"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{})
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.SQLURI = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUData"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.AdministrationURI = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUAdministration"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.AdressbuchURI = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUAdressbuch"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.LDIPSUDashboardLoginLog = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUDashboardLoginLog"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.DataVerfahrenrolle = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.DataVerfahrenTyp = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.Verfahren = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.SelectedVerfahren = ""
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.PSURolleMitB = ""
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.UserSid = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($User)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value
    $LayoutSeite = '{"lg":[{"w":2,"h":3,"x":10,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-BetriebLDIPaperRolle","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":2,"h":3,"x":0,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-BetriebLDIPaperVerfahren","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":2,"h":3,"x":3,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-LDIVerwaltungPaperNeuesVerfahren","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":12,"h":18,"x":0,"y":3,"i":"grid-element-BetriebLDIVerfahrenTabs","moved":false,"static":false}]}'
    New-UDStyle -Style $TabStyle -Content {
        New-UDGridLayout -Content {
            #... Buttons... papers...selects...ect.
        } -Layout $LayoutSeite #-Design #
} -Logo '/images/favicon.png' -NavigationLayout permanent -LoadNavigation $Navigation -HeaderContent { 
    New-UDDynamic -Content { New-UDTypography "Kalenderwoche: $([System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::CurrentInfo.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((get-date), 2, 1))    " } -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 600
    New-UDIcon -Icon Book -Style @{ marginRight = '12px' ; color = '#ff6d00' }
    New-UDLink -Text 'Dokumentation' -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect "https://path/to/docu" -OpenInNewWindow } -Style @{ color = '#ff6d00' ; 'text-decoration' = 'underline' }
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Ressourcen' -Content {
    if ($null -eq $Session:SchaltzentraleVars) {
        #using $Session for data between pages
        $Session:SchaltzentraleVars = "1"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{})
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.SQLURI = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUData"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.AdministrationURI = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUAdministration"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.AdressbuchURI = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUAdressbuch"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.LDIPSUDashboardLoginLog = "$PSUServer/LDIPSUDashboardLoginLog"
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.DataVerfahrenrolle = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.DataVerfahrenTyp = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.Verfahren = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.SelectedVerfahren = ""
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.PSURolleMitB = ""
        $Session:Schaltzentrale.UserSid = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($User)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value
    $LayoutSeite = '{"lg":[{"w":2,"h":3,"x":10,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-BetriebLDIPaperRolle","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":2,"h":3,"x":0,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-BetriebLDIPaperVerfahren","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":2,"h":3,"x":3,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-LDIVerwaltungPaperNeuesVerfahren","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":12,"h":18,"x":0,"y":3,"i":"grid-element-BetriebLDIVerfahrenTabs","moved":false,"static":false}]}'
    New-UDStyle -Style $TabStyle -Content {
        New-UDGridLayout -Content {
            #... Buttons... papers...selects...ect.
        } -Layout $LayoutSeite #-Design #
} -Logo '/images/favicon.png' -NavigationLayout permanent -LoadNavigation $Navigation -HeaderContent { 
    New-UDDynamic -Content { New-UDTypography "Kalenderwoche: $([System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::CurrentInfo.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((get-date), 2, 1))    " } -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 600
    New-UDIcon -Icon Book -Style @{ marginRight = '12px' ; color = '#ff6d00' }
    New-UDLink -Text 'Dokumentation' -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect "https://path/to/docu" -OpenInNewWindow } -Style @{ color = '#ff6d00' ; 'text-decoration' = 'underline' }
New-UDDashboard -Title "Schaltzentrale" -Pages $Pages -Theme $Theme

maybe it helps :slight_smile:

Ok and thanks.

 -FullWidth -MaxWidth 'xl'


it looks like before update

Is there a chance to get it bigger? The Picture show fullwidth and maxwidth xl
Screenshot 2023-01-17 081630

You could just do a full screen modal.

Show-UDModal -FullScreen

Yes i know. But is there somehow the change to get somethink between 70% und 90% of the screen widht.

At the moment i use maxwith xl or one of the other options.
I like to have the dynamic sizing of the udmodal back :wink: if its possible. Fixed size have pro and cons :wink: prior 3.6 it was much better for me :slight_smile:

I have a udform for register a cluster ressource. There a several. One is Computername and the other is IP-Address. The Form do not need much space if register the computername but for the IP there are much more Fields and space needed.

We rolled back the change that is causing this issue and will be in 3.7.7.

Thank you :slight_smile: