Large Database.db Size

Just wondering if I’m the only one that’s ever observed something like this:
Our Database.db (LiteDB5) size has somehow managed to grow to over 5GB. I had suspected it was growing due to a lot of retained jobs and logging targets set to retain 365 days, but both of those have been corrected. File size has been static at around 5.77 GB (6,196,813,824 bytes) for a couple days now. Anything obvious I should be looking for?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.9

For anyone who finds this post and wonders about a solution, we ended up solving this by uninstalling, cleaning up any remnants of the existing install and reinstalling when we updated to 4.2.21, which is new enough to use SQLite by default rather than LiteDB.

We had used LiteDB Studio to try to figure out where the problem was, but the more we found, the less worthwhile it seemed to troubleshoot seeing as the migration to SQLite was the ultimate goal anyway.

Our production litedb is sitting around 800mb at the moment