Issue with ChartJS

I’m messing around with building some charts and can’t seem to get this to work no matter what I do…

$LeadData = @('99','52','45','43','43','41','38','31','2')
$EmpData = @('81','44','30','41','24','34','21','25','19')
$LabelName = @("Total Advantage", "A reduction in manual errors", "Better quality work product", "An    increase in speed", "Greater levels of productivity across experience levels","Increased utilization and productivity level", "Decrease labor costs","No advantages")
$Data = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $LabelName.Count; $i++) {
   $Data += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{lable=$LabelName[$i];lead=$LeadData[$i];emp=$EmpData[$i]}
$BusinessLeaders = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty $Data.lead -Label 'Business Leader' -BackgroundColor yellow
$Employees = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty $Data.emp -Label 'Employee' -BackgroundColor blue

$Options = @{
    Type = 'horizontalbar'
    Data = $Data
    Dataset = @($BusinessLeaders, $Employees)
    LabelProperty = $Data.lable
New-UDChartJS @Options

With the current code I get an error stating can’t convert -DataProperty to System.String. Which is weird because all of the values of the $Data array should be a string. Adding .ToString() will load the chart but none of the data is displayed.

Does anyone have any experience building the new Charts? And could lend a stump friend a hand?

Update - Figured it out you just have to call the actual object element.

$LeadData = @(99,52,45,43,43,41,38,31,2)
$EmpData = @(81,44,30,41,24,34,21,25,19)
$LabelName = @('Total Advantage', 'A reduction in manual errors', 'Better quality work product', 'An increase in speed', 'Greater levels of productivity across experience levels','Increased availability for you and other employees','Increased utilization and productivity level', 'Decrease labor costs','No advantages')
$Data = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $LabelName.Count; $i++) {
  $Data += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{lable=$LabelName[$i];lead=$LeadData[$i];emp=$EmpData[$i]}

$BusinessLeaders = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty lead -Label 'Business Leader' -BackgroundColor yellow
$Employees = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty emp -Label 'Employee' -BackgroundColor blue

$Options = @{
    Type = 'horizontalbar'
    Data = $Data
    Dataset = @($BusinessLeaders, $Employees)
    LabelProperty = "lable"
New-UDChartJS @Options