I want to update at run time the footer -copyright property

I try using the -endpoint as fallow.
New-UDFooter -RefreshInterval 1 -AutoRefresh { $Cache:Copyright }

Please help


PS: I’m using the paid version ( Enterprise )

Ok so at the top of my dashboard scrips I define:-
$Link = New-UDLink -Text ‘Company Website’ -Url ‘http://www.mycompany.co.uk’ -Icon globe
$Footer = New-UDFooter -Copyright ‘Designed by Adam Bacon’ -Links $Link

Then at the bottom where I call my dashboard I add the following parameters:-
$dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title “My Awesome Dashboard” -Pages (
) -NavbarLinks $NavBarLinks -Footer $Footer -EndpointInitialization $Initialization -Theme $theme

So I am including the -FOOTER parameter, and passing in the footer. Hope this helps