Footer Endpoint?

I can’t seem to get a custom footer to display anything via the -endpoint Does this function work in a footer?

Set-UDLicense -License (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\license.txt -Raw)

$myFooter = New-UDFooter -Endpoint {
 new-udcard -Size small -Content {

$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -title "Footer Test" -content {
    new-udcard -Size small -Content {
} -Footer $myFooter

Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard
Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $Dashboard -Port 10000 -AutoReload

Hey @boats2000 - UDFooter does not actually allow anything for -Endpoint or -Content.

it’s only params are:

  • Links
  • Copyright
  • BackgroundColor
  • FontColor

The only thing you can really do with it is specfy some text and links.

Docs article:
API (cmdlet) help:

Testing :

Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard

$myFooter = New-UDFooter -Links @(
    New-UDLink -Text "Link1" -Url ""
    New-UDLink -Text " Link2" -Url ""

) -Copyright "COPYRIGHT ALLOWS YOU TO PLACE A LARGE AMOUNT OF TEXT" -BackgroundColor "#FF00A5" -FontColor "#FFFFFF"

$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -title "Footer Test" -content {
    new-udcard -Size small -Content {
        "yo, this is my dashboard CARD"
} -Footer $myFooter 

Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $Dashboard -Port 10000

Powershell Documentation appears to contradict:

Powershell help shows (Get-Help ‘UDFooter’ -ShowWindow)

New-UDFooter [-ArgumentList <Object>] [-AutoRefresh ] [-BackgroundColor ] [-Copyright ] [-Endpoint ] [-FontColor ] [-Id ] [-Links <Hashtable>] [-RefreshInterval ] []

As Endpoint does not appears to work, I am guessing this is bad info.

My Expecation is that the help in powershell should be the source of truth.

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