How to pass the property to custom column in psu v3

Figured out in order to pass property to custom column you need to use $EventData.Object e.g $EventData.Name in order to action the object in the other column.

can you post an example for this ?


Maybe the tithe was wrong so i have updated the title, i was struggling with passing a property used in first column to the second one to action it so i finally figured that you can use a random property for the second column and use the $eventdata for any property you have from the $data array to action on it.

i will provide an example so everyone who has the same issue can now solve it for their dashboard.

 $Data = @(  ForEach($_ in $APools) { 
            Name   = $_.Name

                   $Columns = @(

                   New-UDTableColumn -Property Name -Title Name -ShowSort -IncludeInExport -IncludeInSearch -ShowFilter -FilterType text

                   New-UDTableColumn -Property Config -Title Config -Render {
                       New-UDButton  -Text "test"  -OnClick {show-udtoast -message $}})