I’m new to the PowerShell Universal and digging around a bit. I’m stuck a single step that I do not sort out by myself: I have created a test page which display a table containing custom columns (obtains from a script). The last column is a button that should run a script which will toast the value contains in a specific column for the selected line. I have tried to set a custom parameter:
name is the name of the parameter from the called script (i.e. -MyVar)
value is the inputObject column expected ($inputObject.samaccountname)
As it was not working, I have changed my approach and set the parameter input in my script to catch whatever is sent, the then script send $inputObject. But again, not working (the object is null).
I do not understand how this should effectively works and do not found any tips in the documentation (or missed it).
Could someone provide me a quick step to use value from table when calling a script through a button ?
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.13