I have an input form and after it inserts the data into the database table, I want the post-input page to display the input data in a list format similar to Format-List. What elements can be used to accomplish this? Can someone provide an example (real or mocked up)? Thanks!
Not a great layout but this is my current solution.
New-UDCard -Content {
New-UDParagraph -Text $Text -Color $Color
New-UDParagraph -Text "System = $System"
New-UDParagraph -Text "Description = $Description"
New-UDParagraph -Text "URL = $URL"
New-UDParagraph -Text "Stakeholder = $StakeholderDept"
New-UDParagraph -Text "Contact = $Contact"
New-UDParagraph -Text "EscalationContact = $EscalationContact"
You might opt to do pure HTML output into of UD objects:
$Processes = Get-Process -Name chrome
ForEach($Process in $Processes)
$Process | Select-Object -Property ProcessName, Id, WS
New-UDHtml -Markup ("<b>ID</b>: " + $Process.id + "<br>")
New-UDHtml -Markup ("<b>Name</b>: " +$Process.name + "<br>")
New-UDHtml -Markup ("<b>WS</b>: " +$Process.WS + "<br>")
New-UDHtml -Markup ("<br>")
NOTE : there are probably a number of cool ways you could format this object into HTML using a separate formatter function, so you can avoid hardcoding things like in my example.
This would make it prettier. (Well, it’s an uglier font, but everything lines up right.)
( ( Get-Process -Name chrome |
Select-Object -Property ProcessName, Id, WS |
Format-List |
) -replace ' ', ' '
) -split [environment]::NewLine |
ForEach {
If ( $_ ) { New-UDHtml -Markup "<span style=""font-family:monospace"">$_</span>" }
Else { New-UDHtml -Markup '<br>' } }
Tim Curwick
Sharing in case others are interested… I ended up using the following to transpose the data and then display it with New-UDTable. (not a fan of the function name but I such at naming).
Function ConvertTo-FormatListView {
$transposeData = @()
$Column = $Data.psobject.properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($Column | Measure-Object).count; $i++) {
$transposeData += [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $Column[$i]
Value = $Data.$($Column[$i])
You can simplify your syntax (and with a minor improvement in performance) with something like this.
Function ConvertTo-FormatListView
Param (
$Data )
ForEach ( $Property in $Data.psobject.properties.Name )
Name = $Property
Value = $Data.$Property }
But that will only work with a single object. If you want to be able to pipe multiple objects to it, do something like this:
Function ConvertTo-FormatListView
Param (
[parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True )]
$Data )
ForEach ( $Object in $Data )
ForEach ( $Property in $Object.psobject.properties.Name )
Name = $Property
Value = $Object.$Property }
Tim Curwick
Actually, we can do better.
For your single object example:
Function ConvertTo-FormatListView
Param (
$Data )
$Data.psobject.Properties | Select-Object -Property Name, Value
For multiple objects:
Function ConvertTo-FormatListView
Param (
$Data )
$Data.psobject.Properties | Select-Object -Property Name, Value
Function ConvertTo-FormatListView
Param (
[parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True )]
$Data )
ForEach ( $Object in $Data )
$Object.psobject.Properties | Select-Object -Property Name, Value
(Slightly slower than the previous example, but not enough to measure, but less care about.)
Tim Curwick
Thanks for posting this man, I needed some help formatting my text file I wanted on separate lines and this worked beautifully. Much appreciated sharing real-world examples
Wait, couldn’t this just be accomplished by throwing the returned data at an UDGrid?
Well not quite that simple for me…I was grabbing the $user and get-date and outputting this to a visitor txt file, then appending to that file each time…this then meant I had a text file that said something like “adamb logged on 04/10/2019 11:26” this is because a manager wanted to know who was actually was using the dashboard. So then I put a real small sneaky visitors link, which then outputs that text file line by line with a space inbetween lines into a modal window. So now I got a little log file of people visiting the dashboard and if you know where the sneaky link is you can view it…which now means I don’t have to email that manager results as he can view it himself if he visits the dashboard…the problem I was having get-content of the text file was returning one super long line, not line by line. But using the technique @leeberg shared I was able to then use that method to display a text file log nicely in a modal window.