I have an Input form, with a textarea field - data from it is stored directly in SQL.
What I’m trying to do, is display the text again with any line breaks that may have been input.
If I pit it back into a txtarea it is displayed with linebreaks - just to confirm that they are there.
New-UDInputField -Name 'desc' -Type 'textarea' -DefaultValue "$($ArgumentList.Description)"
But I want it displayed in a card or table.
I tried the code below, from another thread.
$Html = New-UDHtml "<div>$(($($ArgumentList.Description)).Replace('`n', '<br/>'))"
New-UDCard -Title 'Description' -Content {
Any Pointers?
Hi @PorreKaj,
How does the HTML look of the card?
Can you paste the data into notepad++ and select “show all characters” to validate the `n is the actual linebreak being used.
I’m definitely not sure how to do that
The New-UDHtml outputs:
and the card shows:
I can test this more tomorrow, but when working with linebreaks in .txt files i just foreach loop it.
Test this:
$out = ""
foreach ( $line in $data) {
$out = $out + $line + "<br>"
Also, remember to close your divs
using that method i get
Copying the cell from SQL into notepad++ gives:
Hi @PorreKaj
give this a go:
$out = $out -replace "`n","" -replace "`r","<br>"
I added it to when the data is stored
-SqlParameters @{
Created = Get-Date
PartnerID = [int]$PartnerID
Title = "$TitleTXT"
Description = $DescriptionTXT -replace "`n","" -replace "`r","<br>"
TimeEstimate = $null
Requester = "$User"
} | Out-Null
But that only removed anything in between the lines
same result in the console - thats great - its a bit easier to play with.
I run this
PS C:\Users\reh\Documents\GitHub\ITDashboard\Beta.IT> $test = "ert
>> ert
>> Ert
>> Ert"
PS C:\Users\reh\Documents\GitHub\ITDashboard\Beta.IT> $test | clip
And copy it into NP++ to confirm the line breaks are the same:
then run your code
PS C:\Users\reh\Documents\GitHub\ITDashboard\Beta.IT> $test -replace “n","" -replace "
And here it also just removes the spaces, so it must be:
$test -replace “`n”,“
and there we go:
Now its just the matter og getting it to display.
$preHTML = $($($ArgumentList.Description) -replace "`n","<br>")
New-UDCard -Title 'Description' -Content {
New-UDHtml -Markup "<div>$preHTML</div>"
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