GIT Sync setup not working

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.9.3
Windows Server 2019 / 2022

Hello Adam,

I try to configure Git as automatic but it’s strange, the configuration doesn’t work.

Just after POSH-Universal install i push this command

$appSettingsFilePATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal\appsettings.json"
new-item -Path "d:\temp" -ItemType Directory -Force
$appSettingsContentJson = Get-Content -Path $appSettingsFilePATH | ConvertFrom-Json
$ = "https://MyGitRemote/psu.git"
$ = "main"
$ = "any"
$ = "MyGITPassword"
$ "Automatic"
$ = 1
$ = "D:\Program\PowershellUniversal\UniversalAutomation\Repository"
$ "D:\Program\PowershellUniversal\UniversalAutomation\database.db"
$appSettingsContentJson | ConvertTo-Json |Out-File -FilePath "$appSettingsFilePATH" -Force

$ServiceName = "PowerShellUniversal" 
restart-Service $ServiceName -Force

After reboot, the git settings look’s like this

If I change some information, and save, it’s still the same when I re-open GitSettings => My configuration is not recording.

Communication and manual commit works fine, but I can’t configure automatic way.

Is there some fix about this ?
