I seem to face some issues when trying to setup Git Sync with PSU
The message I have at the moment is:
Git synchronization failed. There is no tracking information for the current branch.
I have a Gitea container that serves as Git repository server
I have a appsettings.json in “.PowerShellUniversal” (copied from “/home/universal/appsettings.linux.json”)
appsettings.json content
"Data": {
"RepositoryPath": "%HOME%/.PowerShellUniversal/Repository",
"ConnectionString": "%HOME%/.PowerShellUniversal/database.db",
"RunMigrations": true,
"DatabaseType": "LiteDB",
"GitRemote": "http://host.docker.internal:8089/steven/universal.git",
"GitUserName": "steven@jikade.com",
"GitPassword": "4O2WSiN7xk*0xLFo0r4G",
"GitBranch": "main",
"GitSyncBehavior": "TwoWay",
"GitInitializeBehavior": "",
"GitSyncInterval": "1",
"ConfigurationScript": "",
"ExternalGitClient": false,
"Mode": "Manual"
The UI settings in PSU:
From the PSU log:
[18:04:03 ERR] Failed to sync: There is no tracking information for the current branch. at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Pull(Repository repository, Signature merger, PullOptions options) in C:\actions-runner\_work\universal\universal\src\libgit2sharp\LibGit2Sharp\Commands\Pull.cs:line 29
at UniversalAutomation.Git.GitService.Pull() in C:\actions-runner\_work\universal\universal\src\Universal.Server\Services\GitService.cs:line 614
at UniversalAutomation.GitSyncService.TrySync(GitStatus status, Boolean force, GitSettings settings) in C:\actions-runner\_work\universal\universal\src\Universal.Server\Services\GitSyncService.cs:line 177
at UniversalAutomation.GitSyncService.Sync(Boolean force) in C:\actions-runner\_work\universal\universal\src\Universal.Server\Services\GitSyncService.cs:line 100
From the .git folder, the config file content:
bare = false
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
url = http://host.docker.internal:8089/steven/universal.git
[branch "main"]
[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
The hostname “host.docker.internal” is an internal extra host to get the IP of the Docker host as that is a way to break out of the container and address another service on the Docker host in a container.
Anyway, that will resolve in the PSU container as the IP address of the Docker gateway.
For those wondering how in compose you would have that:
- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
So my question is, what would be the correct setup?
From the perspective of PSU this is the information it should/could use to get at the Gitea server
Gitea runs:
Host: host.docker.internal
Port: 8089
SHH key: my personal key
When I clone the repository on my laptop with this command:
git clone
It works fine it seems, the repository is cloned
Note that the IP address is the address of the Docker host where Gitea is running on port 8089
I would also like to use SSH but perhaps that is not possible?
Any help with this Git setup in PSU would be appreciated!
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.9.2