Git Sync and Populating Scripts.ps1

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.6.3

Should files synced via Git appear in the Automation > Scripts Admin UI?

I am looking to migrate from an older 2.x install to a current 3.x release. As part of that I setup Git Two-Way Sync on the 3.6.3 host and my idea was to move scripts/schedules from the 2.x to a new dedicated Git repo for the 3.x system to allow for a staged migration over the span of a couple weeks. However, when I create/add a script to the Git repo from my local PC, it gets synced and is created in the Repository folder on the 3.6.3 host but it does not appear in the Admin UI which means it cannot be edited or scheduled from the Admin UI. Is this expected?

Are you also adding the script to the .universal/scripts.ps1 file?

I am not. Because creating a script via the UI adds it to scripts.ps1, I was trying to just confirm this is the expected workflow (e.g. managed scripts.ps1 “manually”, or “as code” [for lack of a better phrase]) with Git integration.

Ah, yes. You need to both add the ps1 to the repository and then add it to scripts.ps1 for it to show up in the admin UI.

Okay, got it. Our current 2.x instance we don’t have Git integration and I always ended up using the UI to generate the empty PS1 (so PSU was aware of it and it was visible), then used VSCode extension to actually interact with it. Thanks!

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@adam Is there a plan to have git sync automatically add the scripts to the root Repository folder? To me it seems like this would be the expected default behavior.

You mean like if there is a script in the root of the repository folder have it show up in the admin UI?

I mean when, for example, one-way git sync is enabled to have any .ps1 coming in from that sync be created/overwritten in the Repository folder and show up in the admin UI

In full transparency, I did semi-expect a new script brought in via Git sync to add itself to the scripts.ps1 file. I sort of assumed it would create the barebones to get it to appear in the UI (e.g. name = name of script file, no description, environment = default, no credential defined, etc.).

That said, I acknowledge the UI basically assists us in generating the entry, which doing “manually” is a pretty negligible overhead, so it’s really not a big deal to do as part of our workflows.

Agree with @OtherPeoplesCode. I’m just getting my PSU instance spun up for the first time but for me, I’m looking at taking an existing git repository that I have ~150 scripts in and pointing it at PSU. To have to manually create each file, then add a line for each one in the .ps1 seems a bit tedious. As they mentioned, not the end of the world but definitely feels like something you’d expect the system to handle on its own (not knowing how the underlying code is structured and whether this would be a giant pain in the butt or not!).

I am sorry for necroing this thread, but I just ran into this exact same issue. I thought I was doing something wrong with my Git Sync. Have there been any more thoughts about how to handle this more gracefully?