Formating New-UDInput "Form"

Hey @devon.ziemer I do apologise I totally forgot about this…I fixed this the other day using

$theme = New-UDTheme -Name 'Basic' -Definition @{
    '.input-field' = @{
        width = "33%"
    '.row .col.l4' = @{
        width = "100%"
    '.svg-inline--fa' = @{
        display = 'block'
    'input[type="text"]:not(.browser-default)' = @{
        height = '2.5rem'
        width = "75%"
    'main'         = @{
        'padding-left'   = '70px'
        'padding-right'  = '70px'
        'padding-top'    = '5px'
        'padding-bottom' = '5px'
} -Parent 'Default'
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "Weekly Manager Accountability Form" -Theme $theme -Content {
 New-UDLayout -Columns 3 -Content {
        New-UDInput -Id "inputid" -Title "Please answer all questions to submit" -Endpoint {

Thought this might be handy for anyone else…basically I got tasked with putting a form together with a load of questions…as they went in sets of three I split the layout to 3…I included the theme which then places these nicely in a row of three with nice spacing and alignment. I hope this helps just sorry was a tad late.

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