Attempting to use vaulted creds to run as - worked for a while, but subsequently just throws “Error executing job: Did not receive port from client process” each time a run as is attempted. Log of the error is below. Confirmed that the process is being created with the specified credentials, but have not made any headway on debugging this issue.
2020-07-12T21:47:08.7475853-04:00 [INF] Error executing job 53: Did not receive port from client process. at UniversalAutomation.ExecutionService.ExecutePowerShell(Script script, IEnumerable`1 parameters, Job job, Schedule schedule, Int32 port, ExecutionCallback callback) in E:\src\universal\src\UniversalAutomation\Services\ExecutionService.cs:line 371
at UniversalAutomation.ExecutionService.TryExecute(Job job, Schedule schedule) in E:\src\universal\src\UniversalAutomation\Services\ExecutionService.cs:line 275
at UniversalAutomation.ExecutionService.Execute(Job job, Schedule schedule) in E:\src\universal\src\UniversalAutomation\Services\ExecutionService.cs:line 138 System.Exception (adf67afd)