**Product**: PowerShell Universal (MSI installer)
**Version**: 2.1.2 & 2.1.1
**OS version**: Windows Server 2012R2
Hi , I am testing this product since 2 week.
Last week , after a reboot server, http//localhost:5000 on Edge Browser show the error page: “Err_connection-refused”
I tried many things: reboot, restart-service, update Universal with new version 2.1.2, etc… but same issue
So i decide to install on another VM windows server 2012R2 but with the last version 2.1.2. Results : everything is OK too
But one on my dashboard is very slow to “start” in my browser ( 10 sec.), so I decide to increase RAM and CPU of my VM W2012R2 server. After that, ARRRRGGH: same issue of my first server: PU is DOWN!
After reading one post in this forum ( HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-Process Startup Failure - PowerShell Universal - Ironman Software Forums), I try the solution:
- Delete the file setting.ps1. file in C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository.universal\
- restart service powershelluniversal
These actions solve the issue of the appcrash (but not Dashboard slow)
Note : before delete this ps1 file, i check if there is some code inside but it was empty. On explorer , size of file was 0 KB
I create this topic because I think it is more easy with this title
A big Thank you for your work Adam