Dynamic Page param

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.7.2

In upgrading to 2.7.2 from 2.5.5, I am now seeing on dynamic pages that I get a “param not recognized as a cmdlet”.

I have been working on migrating dashboards originally built in the prior Universal Dashboard (v2 as opposed to the new v3). Here is the code that I have been using that hasn’t gotten error messages until I did this upgrade:

New-UDPage -Name “Project Info” -Url “/PMInfo/:ProjectManagementPKID” -Id “PMInfoDynamic” -Content {

param ($ProjectManagementPKID)
I'm assuming that this means I no longer need the param as part of the UDPage?

You shouldn’t need that but it also shouldn’t show that as an error. I’ll open an issue for this.

You should be able to use the $PMInfoDynamic variable directly in your dashboard.