Cant use RunAs while service account is set

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.1.2

I try to set the psu working in mssql database,
to set it working I must set the “Powershell Universal Dashboard” Service to run as the user has sql server permissions and not with system account.

The problem start when I try use run as account with powershell universal scripts/dashboards.

I set my environment to run with external powershell (4.6) and when I try to use RunAs it wont start the dashboard.

I set all the requiremtns to the service account:

(PS. when I run the service at local SYSTEM user, I able to use RunAs functioin at psu dashboard), It happend at version 4.x (but now im working with SQL Server configuration and I must set the psu service to tun with service account)