Im having trouble getting AutoReload to work with UDDashboard hosted in IIS.
I read trough the docs/github/forums and it seems it should be possible(?)
When i specify the parameter we get following line in the UD-logs: [Error] AutoReloader Unable to connect to the remote server
We made no changes to the AppPool settings. We work with HTTPS.
Hi @gitbute thanks for posting your question…on one of the first dashboards I designed I needed to stop and start it for the dashboard to update…so I got the IIS tools for powershell and simply added a scheduled task to stop and start the site at like 04:00am every day…the site works flawlessly, I hope this is what you are asking?
Thanks for the reply.
No, i meant the ‘hot-reload’ functionality (i think its provided by webpack if im not mistaken?),
that when you save a dashboard-file that it instantly updates the dashboard.
Im not sure how the AppPools in IIS are working internally so im not sure thats possible over IIS.
If not, i could make a script with a FileSystemWatcher wich restarts the AppPool if some file changes, but i thought i would ask here first for a nicer solution.
Hey, welcome to the forums.
Take a look at my post from a while ago.
I did exactly that (with the filewatchers) .
On my end though, I separated my files so I load all the pages from a pages folder and endpoints from a endpoints folders (Basically New-UDPage or New-UDEndpoint is returned for each file)
This allowed me in turn to use filewatchers that will either triggers the Update-Dashboard cmdlet, reloading the whole dashboard in a fast manner or restart IIS pool associated to my dashboard.
You don’t want to restart the app pool whenever possible but when working with endpoints, if you simply run Update-UDDashboard, then the pages are refreshed but changes in the endpoints are not detected, hence why I used a combination of both.
Except I did go further and added a button directly in my debug pages who triggers the filewatcher.
Normally, that would be a problem as anything which is run would also die when the app pool process is restarted, except that with an additional trick — see this — you can actually persist the process by creating it not as a child process (default behavior) but as an independant process.
Although you’d have to edit them a little bit so you use your values instead of my cached variables, I also use, as a secondary measure when I don’t want the automatic refresh or want to trigger it manually for some reasons, the following endpoints.
Hey, thanks for the input!
I did a script which now runs as a scheduled task an keeps running, like a service (didnt want to deal with creating a service out of it tho)
I had to work out some shenanigans with FileSystemWatcher because it has a weird bug wich makes it trigger the same event twice in some circumstances.
Then i created a ‘testing’ REST-Endpoint which tests my dashboard upon restart, because the AD-Authorization sometimes craps out upon restart and i can catch that and restart it again.