I am curious about aligning text in a typography element; I am trying to get it centered. The current documentation for New-UDTypography shows a -Align parameter, and states it is a String and usage is “How to align the typography”. I am unsure, from the description, whether it means how to align the text in the typography, or the element itself. Either way, I tried something several different ways:
New-UDTypography -Id "Purpose" -Text "Purpose" -Align "center"
New-UDTypography -Id "Purpose" -Text "Purpose" -Align "Center"
New-UDTypography -Id "Purpose" -Text "Purpose" -Style @{
"text-align" = "center"
…but none of them work. I can get it to work like this:
New-UDElement -Id "Purpose" -Tag 'div' -Content {
} -Attributes @{
style = @{
"text-align" = "center"
I am just curious if -Align should work, and if so what the correct syntax is?
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.4.1