Admin console read only - totally stuck, please advise!

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.0

I installed the latest version by MSI. The service runs as a different user.
I keep getting the notification that the console is read only.

The user that is used to run the service, is owner of the repository folder and has full permissions.
The license is new and valid until end of next year.

The documentation doesn’t mention this at all. I can’t find anything in the logs.

How can i resolve this?

Do you have git enabled at all? It should only be readonly if you have one-way git sync on or if you have manual git edit more enabled and you aren’t editing.

I did but i’m afraid i f*cked it up.
I figured it had to do with permissions. After reading some post I changed the ACL on the DB and repository to match with the account running the service.
That fixed it but weirdly enough it looks like a brand new setup.

I now have a database file and a psu database file.
To make things worse the HTTPS stopped working.

Is it best to start all over? Can I do that without having to wipe the windows server?

You shouldn’t have to wipe the server. PSU stores stuff in the following places:

  • C:\ProgramData\PowerShellUniversal
  • C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation

The DB will be in the UniversalAutomation folder. If you rename or delete that, it will get rid of any git sync settings, identities, jobs etc.

In the UniversalAutomation\Repository folder, you’ll find any configuration files you changes.

In the PowerShellUniversal\appsettings.json, you’ll find the HTTPS settings you configured.

If you delete those two folders, you’ll be starting from scratch. That said, feel free to share what you are able to and we should be able to help out with the config.

Thanks, that is a nice snippet of information!
I ended up removing everything and built everything again.
with your notes on GIT and how it affects the entire env, i have now set it up differently.

It might be good to add to the docs a small snipped of the ‘Admin is in read only’ . It is quite impactful and i found nothing about it.

Git now works as does my HTTPS and OpenID integration. However,
I was forced to use the external git client because i kept running into the same error:

On monday i’ll start building my first small application to communicate with MS Teams.

So returning to this topic.

Why is it that the UI turns ‘Read only’ when Git is configured in said way?

My idea was as follows:

  • Server that hosts PSU
  • Dev client that connects to the PSU instance by VSCode.

I Develop and test on the Dev client. Once my code works, I use GIT to push it to the repository in GitLab. PSU does his 1 minute interval check and will retrieve the latest version.

Now, I understand this has some flaws cause this only works for new items.
If I edit a file that is being pulled every minute, it will get overwritten.

So that’s not the way to go.

But, if I have two-way sync on, every small modification it does, gets committed and pushed to the repository. If you then work with a dev and master branch, or any branch really, it becomes even more interesting.

So in short, what is the best way to work with GIT then? Do it manually?

Edit: I forgot to mention the pause button option , but that looks equally cumbursome or easy to forget.