AD Auth with group membership to role

Hi. I have been trying to figure out the Security>Authentication script configuration to authenticate against AD. I was able to login with AD users with the Ironman documentation. However, I kind of got lost after. Would anybody have an example script that can do the following:

  1. Auth User against AD “Forms Auth”
  2. Assign Admin role based on X AD group(PSUAdmins) membership.
  3. Assign Operator role based on X AD group(PSUOperators) membership.
  4. Assing Reader role based on X AD group (PSUReaders) membership.
  5. Deny login if not in one of the above roles.

Thank you!

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This is my sanitized Authentication.ps1

$Result = [Security.AuthenticationResult]::new()
if ($Credential.UserName -eq 'Admin' -and $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password -eq "PASSWORD") 
    #Maintain the out of box admin user
    $Result.UserName = 'Default Admin'
    $Result.Success = $true 
    # Get current domain using logged-on user's credentials - this validates their credential
    $CurrentDomain = "LDAP://DC=domain,DC=local"  # Insert Your Domain Here
    $domain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($CurrentDomain,($Credential.UserName),$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password)
    if ($ -eq $null)
        #"Authentication failed for $($Credential.UserName)!" 
        write-host "Authentication failed - please verify your username and password."
        $Result.UserName = ($Credential.UserName)
        $Result.Success = $false 
        write-host "Successfully authenticated with domain $($"
        #"Authentication success for $($Credential.UserName)!" 
        $groupMember = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity PU-access -Recursive | select-object -ExpandProperty samaccountname
        if ($groupMember -contains $credential.UserName){
            $Result.UserName = ($Credential.UserName)
            $Result.Success = $true
        else {
            $Result.UserName = ($Credential.UserName)
            $Result.Success = $false

Users must be in the PU-access group (or a group nested inside of that group) in order to log in.

Here is a sample of three roles I have set up in roles.ps1

New-PSURole -Name "Administrator" -Description "Administrators can manage settings of UA, create and edit any entity within UA and view all the entities within UA." -Policy {
# Policies should return $true or $false to determine whether the user has the particular 
# claim that require them for that role.

$groupMember = Get-ADGroupMember PU-Admin | Select-Object -ExpandProperty samaccountname
if ($groupmember -contains $"domain\", "")) {
elseif( $ -eq "Default Admin"){
New-PSURole -Name "Helpdesk" -Description "Helpdesk" -Policy {
    $groupMember = Get-ADGroupMember PU-helpdesk | Select-Object -ExpandProperty samaccountname

    if ($groupmember -contains $"domain\", "")) {
New-PSURole -Name "User Creation" -Description "Allows access to the User Creation dashboard" -Policy {
    $groupMember = Get-ADGroupMember PU-UserCreate | Select-Object -ExpandProperty samaccountname

    if ($groupmember -contains $"domain\", "")) {

after successfully logging in (due to membership with PU-access) users are assigned a role via other group memberships. None of this may be the “best” way to do it, but it works for me in my environment.

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Thank you for the great examples!

Also forgot to mention you need the ActiveDirectory module installed on the server hosting PU. If not you would need to do an ADSI search for the group members.

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