[2.9.0] Broken Page - Missing files? [RESOLVED]

Hi All,

I’m new here but I am already a user of the Universal Dashboard Community edition for a few months now. I have just updated to version 2.9.0 and it seems that the update is missing an exe file in Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\UniversalDashboard.Community\2.9.0\net472.
Please correct me If I am wrong, this update might now be like 2.8.3 though.

Hope one of you has an idea.


hi @christianjardiolin

version 2.9.0 now uses an entry in web.config to drive UD, this update now has the ability for you to chose windows powershell or powershell core as the platform to drive your dashboard.ps1 file.

you can look at this link for further information

Hi @wsl2001

Thank you so much for this one. I’ll post an update once I get it working.


Hi @wsl2001,

Its working now. Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:
