2.5.4 PSU service wont start

After upgrading to 2.5.4 the service wont start.

Event log tells that it’s missing a DLL and removing the DLL section from the JSON file lets the service start again. The DLL is in the JSON file twice with different name (mscordaccore_amd64_amd64_5.0.921.35908.dll) and this one exists in the program folder.

Description: A .NET application failed.
Application: Universal.Server.exe
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal\Universal.Server.exe
Message: Error:
  An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (Universal.Server.deps.json) was not found:
    package: 'runtimepack.Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.win-x64', version: '5.0.9'
    path: 'mscordaccore.dll'
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.5.4

What operating system are you running? Is it internet connected or not? I haven’t run into this before.

I would suggest trying to uninstall, delete everything in C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal and then reinstall incase there is some assembly conflict for some reason.

Running Windows Server 2019 and it has internet. We updated from 2.5.3 and it asked to restart the server after the update, so we did that and the service didn’t start afterwards.

I’ll try a to uninstall it tomorrow.

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This worked and now the missing file is there again.