After updating to PSUniversal 2.3.0 dashboards show no memory consumed in the admin console and they all return HTTP 500 errors on load. Logs are filling up with entries like this (actual hostname replaced with )
2021-09-14T13:56:57.2983878-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALE:00000002 [INF] Executing endpoint '"UniversalAutomation.DashboardController.GetLog (Universal.Server)"' (500cc934)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.2984562-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALE:00000002 [INF] Route matched with "{action = \"GetLog\", controller = \"Dashboard\"}". Executing controller action with signature "PowerShellUniversal.DashboardLog GetLog(Int64)" on controller "UniversalAutomation.DashboardController" ("Universal.Server"). (122b2fdf)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.2985867-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALE:00000002 [INF] Executing "ObjectResult", writing value of type '"PowerShellUniversal.DashboardLog"'. (605b4265)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.2990735-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALE:00000002 [INF] Executed action "UniversalAutomation.DashboardController.GetLog (Universal.Server)" in 0.5901ms (afa2e885)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.2990989-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALE:00000002 [INF] Executed endpoint '"UniversalAutomation.DashboardController.GetLog (Universal.Server)"' (99874f2b)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.2991680-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALE:00000002 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET https://<hostname>/api/v1/dashboard/2/log application/json - - 200 18208 application/json;+charset=utf-8 2.9510ms (791a596a)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.3273046-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALF:00000002 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET https://<hostname>/api/v1/dashboard/3/log application/json - (ca22a1cb)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.3290073-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALF:00000002 [INF] Successfully validated the token. (60169667)
2021-09-14T13:56:57.3290553-04:00 0HMBNL0OHIALF:00000002 [INF] Authorization was successful. (0d575a54)
We had pulled a 2.3 release this morning that was missing files due to a packaging problem during the publish.
That’s been fixed and a new 2.3 build has been released that resolves that issue. You may be running into that. If it isn’t CrowdStrike, I’d recommend uninstalling, downloading a new 2.3 kit and reinstalling.
The new package was the fix! I see the “Total memory usage” reported in the Dashboards page still reports 0B, but it’s not affecting the functionality. Thanks for the help!
I did an upgrade this morning from 2.2 to 2.3 UD running in IIS and all of the dashboards are stopped and when I try to start any of the dashboard I am getting “Dashboard x: Request failed with status code 500” . When I revert to 2.2 everything is fine. Also I can’t really see anything in the UD or IIS log files.
I looked at the wrong logs here are fail log entries.
2021-09-15 08:38:19 [INFO] (Hangfire.Server.BackgroundServerProcess) Server cc-lcdev01:8324:83d6d4ca all the dispatchers started
fail: Universal.Server.Services.DashboardManager[0]
Dashboard process is not running. Dashboard may have crashed or failed to start.
info: UniversalAutomation.JobProcessManager[0]
Starting job using Process.
The native method “grpcsharp_batch_context_recv_status_on_client_error_string” does not exist
fail: Universal.Server.Services.DashboardManager[0]
Dashboard process is not running. Dashboard may have crashed or failed to start.
info: UniversalAutomation.JobProcessManager[0]
Starting job using Process.
The native method “grpcsharp_batch_context_recv_status_on_client_error_string” does not exist
fail: Universal.Server.Services.DashboardManager[0]
Dashboard process is not running. Dashboard may have crashed or failed to start.
info: UniversalAutomation.JobProcessManager[0]
Starting job using Process.
The native method “grpcsharp_batch_context_recv_status_on_client_error_string” does not exist
fail: Universal.Server.Services.DashboardManager[0]
Dashboard process is not running. Dashboard may have crashed or failed to start.
info: UniversalAutomation.JobProcessManager[0]
Starting job using Process.
The native method “grpcsharp_batch_context_recv_status_on_client_error_string” does not exist
info: UniversalAutomation.GroomService[0]
Starting groom job.
I would be interested to know where the log files you found were located, because I have no idea and can find zero logging information related to dashboards at all.