What components would you use to display the information in this complex data structure?

I have gotten some data to display with various controls as I have played around with PoshUD. I am looking for suggestions to extracting the data from a complex data structure.

Here’s the data structure I have:

licenseObj @{ 
    qtmodeler =
            FullName = "QT Modeler"
            DaemonName = "aqtimod"
            DaemonStatus = "UP"
            DaemonVersion = "v11.8"
            LicenseServer = "27001@server.dom"
            LicenseFile = "C:\Program Files\QTModeler _802_ux64\flex _ win_x64\license _Oct_2013.lic"
            Features = "{Feature1, Feature2}"
            Feature1 @{
                LicensesUsed = "2"
                LicensesTotal = "7"
                LicenseUsers = @(
                    "User1 started at TIMESTAMP1"
                    "User2 started at TIMESTAMP2"
            Feature2 @{
              LicensesUsed = "0"
              LicensesTotal = "15"
              LicenseUsers = @()

This is just one entry in the structure as I have built it but it gives all of the parts for the “QT Modeler” license service; the actual object has 4 different license services within at runtime.

You may notice that “LicenseUsers” could be 0 to N depending on the number of available licenses and users using it. Also, the number of “Features” could be 1 to N.

At the end of this I am trying to get a simple dashboard (I was thinking cards or a collapsible) with a basic set of information (what’s the service? is it up? how many licenses are there and how many consumed?) and then another display (page?) with the full details for a particular service. Counters with history or graphs would be interesting but unnecessary.

I tried just using cards to make a bunch of text appear but I seem to be missing something in Dashboard because what works on the commandline doesn’t seem to give me data back within the PoshUD. Admittedly, I am still struggling to figure out how to co-mingle powershell commandlets and PoshUD elements (foreach loops, for example) and I might have missed a few obvious things.

Does anyone have thoughts on how to tackle this?

Any help is very appreciated. Cheers!

It is not pretty but ih hope this will give you a few components to start:

Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard

$pages = @()
$pages += New-UDPage -Name 'main' -Content {
    New-UDRow -Endpoint {
        $data = 1..10 | foreach{ 
                FullName = (Get-Process).Name | Get-Random #"QT Modeler"
                DaemonName = (Get-Service).Name | Get-Random #"aqtimod"
                DaemonStatus = ('UP','Down' | Get-Random)
                DaemonVersion = "v11.8"
                LicenseServer = "27001@server.dom"
                LicenseFile = "C:\Program Files\QTModeler _802_ux64\flex _ win_x64\license _Oct_2013.lic"
                Features = @('Feature1', 'Feature2')
                Feature1 = @{
                    LicensesUsed = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 20
                    LicensesTotal = Get-Random -Minimum 20 -Maximum 30
                    LicenseUsers = @(
                        "User1 started at TIMESTAMP1"
                        "User2 started at TIMESTAMP2"
                Feature2 = @{
                  LicensesUsed = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 20
                  LicensesTotal = Get-Random -Minimum 20 -Maximum 30
                  LicenseUsers = @()
        foreach($dataset in $data){
            New-UDColumn -Size 2 -Content {
                $Color = 'Green'
                if($dataset.DaemonStatus -ne 'UP'){$Color = 'Red'}

                New-UDCard -Title "$($dataset.FullName) - $($dataset.DaemonName)" -Content {
                    New-UDRow {$dataset.DaemonStatus}
                    New-UDRow {$dataset.DaemonVersion}
                    New-UDRow {$dataset.LicenseServer}
                } -Reveal {
                    foreach($feature in $dataset.Features) {
                         New-UDHeading -Text "Name: $feature" -Size 5
                         New-UDRow {"LicensesUsed: $($dataset.$feature.LicensesUsed)"}
                         New-UDRow {"LicensesTotal: $($dataset.$feature.LicensesTotal)"}
                } -BackgroundColor $Color

$dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "main" -Pages $pages

Start-UDDashboard -Port 20000 -Dashboard $dashboard

@psott - Thanks so much for the help. I got pretty far today and things are looking pretty good. And thanks to those who reached out to chat too!

If you want to see it in action: http://cfans-rsl-02.oit.umn.edu (note: There is a fake service defined to demo the color change).

The question I have is: how do I schedule this thing so that the data that I am collecting from my custom function is being updated on a regular schedule?

It seems as though the way it is set now, I am getting data when I start the app and it never updates thereafter. I don’t think the -AutoRefresh is the thing. Are we talking about scheduled endpoints?

Here’s the code I arrived at today (the call out to Get-CFANSLMStats is the thing that needs to be refreshed on a schedule):

$rslPages = @()

$licenseData = Get-CFANSLMStats

$rslPages += New-UDPage -Name "Main" -DefaultHomePage -Content {
    New-UDRow -Endpoint {
        foreach ($service in $licenseData.keys) {
            New-UDColumn -LargeSize 3 -MediumSize 6 -SmallSize 12 -Content {
                $Color = "PaleGreen"
                if ($licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -notmatch "UP") {$Color = "IndianRed"}
                New-UDCard -Title "$($licenseData.$service.FullName) - $($licenseData.$service.DaemonName)" -Size Medium -Content {
                    New-UDRow {"Daemon status: " + $licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus}
                    New-UDRow {"Server: " + $licenseData.$service.LicenseServer}
                    if ($licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -match "UP") {
                        New-UDRow {"Features available: " + ($licenseData.$service.features).length}
                        $totalSessions = 0
                        foreach ($f in $licenseData.$service.features) {
                            $totalSessions = $totalSessions + $licenseData.$service.$f.LicensesUsed
                        New-UDRow {"Total Active Feature Sessions: $($totalSessions)"}
                } -BackgroundColor $Color -Links @(
                    if ($licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -match "UP") {
                        New-UDLink -Url "/$($licenseData.$service.Abbreviation)" -Text "More info" -FontColor "LightSlateGray" -Icon "question"

if ($licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -match "UP") {
    foreach ($service in $licenseData.keys) {
        $headBGColor = "PaleGreen"
        if ($licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -ne 'UP') { $headBGColor = "IndianRed"}
        $rslPages += New-UDPage -Name $licenseData.$service.Abbreviation -Content {
            New-UDRow -Endpoint {
                New-UDCard -Title $licenseData.$service.FullName -Content {
                    New-UDRow {"Daemon status: " + $licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus}
                    New-UDRow {"Server: " + $licenseData.$service.LicenseServer}
                    New-UDRow {"License File: " + $licenseData.$service.LicenseFile}
                    New-UDRow {"LMtools version: " + $licenseData.$service.DaemonVersion}
                    New-UDRow {"Features available: " + ($licenseData.$service.features).length}
                    $totalSessions = 0
                    foreach ($f in $licenseData.$service.features) {
                        $totalSessions = $totalSessions + $licenseData.$service.$f.LicensesUsed
                    New-UDRow {"Total Active Feature Sessions: $($totalSessions)"}
                } -BackgroundColor $headBGColor
            New-UDRow -Endpoint {
                $featureNum = 0
                foreach ($feature in $licenseData.$service.Features) {
                    if ( ($featureNum % 2) -eq 0 ) { $featureBackgroundColor = "LightGray"} else { $featureBackgroundColor = "White"}
                    New-UDcard -Endpoint {
                        New-UDCollection -Header "Feature: $($feature)" -Content {
                            New-UDCollectionItem -Content { "Total Licenses: $($licenseData.$service.$feature.LicensesTotal)" }
                            New-UDCollectionItem -Content { "Total Licenses: $($licenseData.$service.$feature.LicensesUsed)" }
                            if ($licenseData.$service.$feature.LicensesUsed -gt 0) {
                                New-UDColumn -LargeOffset 1 -LargeSize 12 -Content {
                                    New-UDCollectionitem -Content {
                                        New-UDCollection -Header "Active Sessions" -Content {
                                            foreach ($session in $licenseData.$service.$feature.LicenseUsers) {
                                                New-UDCollectionItem -Content {$session}
                    } -BackgroundColor $featureBackgroundColor


$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title “Remote Sensing Lab Licensing Services” -Pages $rslPages
Start-UDDashboard -Port 80 -Dashboard $Dashboard

Looking good, i’m glad i could help.

There are several options, first is to gather the data within that endpoint. At this point refreshing the endpoint will update your data. But there could be a mayor drawback. If your function Get-CFANSLMStats takes a while to finish, that endpoint will also need that time to display the data (the page will be blank)

New-UDRow -Endpoint {
    $licenseData = Get-CFANSLMStats
        foreach ($service in $licenseData.keys) {
} -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 #seconds

Next option is the schedule the data refresh in an other runspace and only display the cached data on your pagge like this:

Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard

$Every60Sec = New-UDEndpointSchedule -Every 60 -Second

$Schedule = New-UDEndpoint -Schedule $Every60Sec -Endpoint {
  $Cache:licenseData = Get-CFANSLMStats

$pages = @()

$pages += New-UDPage -Url "Main" -Content {
    New-UDRow -Endpoint {
        foreach ($service in $Cache:licenseData.keys) {
    } -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 #seconds

$ei = New-UDEndpointInitialization -Module "C:\<path to that module>\<modulename>.psm1"
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title 'dashbaord' -Page $pages -EndpointInitialization $ei 
Start-UDDashboard -Port 10001 -Dashboard $Dashboard -Endpoint @($Schedule) 

The scope $Cache: ist page wide accessable for every user on every page and every endpoint.
New-UDEndpointInitialization makes sure every new endpoint will know that function.

Thanks again, @psott! That seems to work well enough.

I have the function defined inside the same file that is creating the dashboard (looking for easy transportability). Thus, I have done it this way (because I wanted this to refresh every minute):

[Get-CFANSLMStats is defined above]

$rslPages = @()
$GCLMS = New-UDEndpointInitialization -Function Get-CFANSLMStats
$rslPages += New-UDPage -Name "Main" -DefaultHomePage -Content {
    New-UDRow -Endpoint {
    } -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 # Seconds


$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "Remote Sensing Lab Licensing Services" -Pages $rslPages -EndpointInitialization $GCLMS
Start-UDDashboard -Port 80 -Dashboard $Dashboard

That has provided the refresh I had wanted (if I stop a service, it turns red).

However, now the initial page load takes a little time (which I would expect) but none of the other pages load at all.

What might be going wrong that those other pages are not loading?


Looks as though something has gone weird. I am getting my “MORE INFO” links with URLs to generate but I don’t get the menu “burger” in the upper left corner with the list of pages.

Something appears to have gone wrong while i was making changes and pages are not longer getting added properly. Back to earlier commits, I guess.

If anyone has input on the refresh stuff or if you’ve messed up pages before and have thoughts, let me know.

P.S. I am used to looking at page source to help me diagnose problems but that doesn’t seem to work with the way this renders; how are others looking at with PoshUD spits out to see where their problems might be?

Well, version control for the win!

I was able to restore an older version with working pages and re-add the color styling for UP and DOWN daemons. I looked at the diffs for half a second but decided I didn’t need to know what happened. I merged that branch back to master and my Dashboard is working again.

Back to getting scheduling working…

Well I have added some scheduling to the working code (which loads pretty quick) but I am seeing a couple of issues now.

  1. The “Main” page takes multiple minutes to load
  2. The subpages do not load at all

Here’s the code I am using. Basically, if I remove the -Autorefresh and EndpointInitialization stuff it works well.

As ever, whatever time and attention anyone might give is very appreciated.


Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard
function Get-CFANSLMStats {

    $KnownLMUtil = @(
        "C:\Program Files\QTModeler_8071_ux64\lmutil.exe", # LMUtil from QT Modeler
        "C:\Program Files (x86)\Exelis\IDL83\bin\bin.x86\lmutil.exe", # LMUtil from Exelis
        "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hexagon\Geospatial Licensing 2018\program\lmutil.exe" # LMUtil from Hexagon

    $servicesObj = @(
            ServiceAbbr = "fake"
            ServiceName = "Fake Service Test"
            Port        = "27017"
            Server      = "cfans-rsl01.oit.umn.edu"
            ServiceAbbr = "ecog9"
            ServiceName = "eCognition 9"
            Port        = "27000"
            Server      = "cfans-rsl01.oit.umn.edu"
            ServiceAbbr = "qtm"
            ServiceName = "QT Modeler"
            Port        = "27001"
            Server      = "cfans-rsl01.oit.umn.edu"
            ServiceAbbr = "interg"
            ServiceName = "Intergraph"
            Port        = "27002"
            Server      = "cfans-rsl01.oit.umn.edu"
            ServiceAbbr = "exelis"
            ServiceName = "Exelis"
            Port        = "27004"
            Server      = "cfans-rsl01.oit.umn.edu"

    foreach ($lm in $KnownLMUtil) {
        if (Test-Path $lm) {
            #TODO: Fix the search for working LMUtil?
            $LicenseManagerUtil = $lm

    ForEach ($ser in $servicesObj) {
        $port = $ser.Port
        $server = $ser.Server
        $abbr = $ser.ServiceAbbr
        $fullName = $ser.ServiceName
        $licenseInfo = (&$LicenseManagerUtil lmstat -a -c $port@$Server).Split("`r").Trim()
        if ($licenseInfo[4] -match "Error") {
            $licenseObj += @{
                $ser.ServiceAbbr =
                    FullName      = $fullName
                    Abbreviation  = $abbr
                    DaemonName    = "DOWN"
                    DaemonStatus  = "DOWN"
                    DaemonVersion = "DOWN"
                    LicenseServer = "$($server)"
                    LicenseFile   = "DOWN"
                    Features      = @()
        else {
            $licenseObj += @{
                $ser.ServiceAbbr =
                    FullName      = $fullName
                    Abbreviation  = $abbr
                    DaemonName    = (($licenseInfo[11]).Split()[0]).TrimEnd(":")
                    DaemonStatus  = ($licenseInfo[11]).Split()[1]
                    DaemonVersion = ($licenseInfo[11]).Split()[2]
                    LicenseServer = ((($licenseInfo[4]) -Split ":")[1]).Trim()
                    LicenseFile   = ((($licenseInfo[5]) -Split ":\s")[1]).Trim().TrimEnd(":")
                    Features      = @()
        foreach ($line in $licenseInfo) {
            if ($line -match "Users of") {
                $feature = (($line -Split " ")[2]).TrimEnd(":")
                $licenseObj.$abbr.Features += $Feature
                $licenseObj.$abbr | Add-Member -Name $Feature -MemberType NoteProperty -Value @{
                    LicensesTotal = ($line -Split " ")[6]
                    LicensesUsed  = ($line -Split " ")[12]
                    LicenseUsers  = @()

        for ($i = 0; $i -le $licenseObj.$abbr.Features.Length - 1; $i++) {
            $feature = $licenseObj.$abbr.Features[$i]
            if ($licenseObj.$abbr.$feature.LicensesUsed -gt 0) {
                $userInfo = (&$LicenseManagerUtil lmstat -c $port@$Server -f $feature).Split("`r").Trim()
                foreach ($l in $userInfo) {
                    if ($l -match ", start") {
                        $licenseObj.$abbr.$feature.LicenseUsers += $l


$every60Seconds = New-UDEndpointSchedule -Every 60 -Second

$Schedule = New-UDEndpoint -Schedule $every60Seconds -Endpoint {
    $Cache:licenseData = Get-CFANSLMStats

$rslPages = @()

#$Cache:licenseData = Get-CFANSLMStats

$rslPages += New-UDPage -Name "Main" -DefaultHomePage -Content {
    New-UDRow -Endpoint {
        foreach ($service in $Cache:licenseData.keys) {
            New-UDColumn -LargeSize 3 -MediumSize 6 -SmallSize 12 -Content {
                $Color = "PaleGreen"
                if ($Cache:licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -ne "UP") {$Color = "IndianRed"}
                New-UDCard -Title "$($Cache:licenseData.$service.FullName) - $($Cache:licenseData.$service.DaemonName)" -Size Medium -Content {
                    New-UDRow {"Daemon status: " + $Cache:licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus}
                    New-UDRow {"Server: " + $Cache:licenseData.$service.LicenseServer}
                    New-UDRow {"Features available: " + ($Cache:licenseData.$service.features).length}
                    $totalSessions = 0
                    foreach ($f in $Cache:licenseData.$service.features) {
                        $totalSessions = $totalSessions + $Cache:licenseData.$service.$f.LicensesUsed
                    New-UDRow {"Total Active Feature Sessions: $($totalSessions)"}
                } -BackgroundColor $Color -Links @(
                    if ($Cache:licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -eq "UP") {
                        New-UDLink -Url "/$($Cache:licenseData.$service.Abbreviation)" -Text "More info" -FontColor "LightSlateGray" -Icon "question"
    } -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 # seconds

foreach ($service in $Cache:licenseData.keys) {
    $headBGColor = "PaleGreen"
    if ($Cache:licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus -ne 'UP') { $headBGColor = "IndianRed"}
    $rslPages += New-UDPage -Name $Cache:licenseData.$service.Abbreviation -Content {
        New-UDRow -Endpoint {
            New-UDCard -Title $Cache:licenseData.$service.FullName -Content {
                New-UDRow {"Daemon status: " + $Cache:licenseData.$service.DaemonStatus}
                New-UDRow {"Server: " + $Cache:licenseData.$service.LicenseServer}
                New-UDRow {"License File: " + $Cache:licenseData.$service.LicenseFile}
                New-UDRow {"LMtools version: " + $Cache:licenseData.$service.DaemonVersion}
                New-UDRow {"Features available: " + ($Cache:licenseData.$service.features).length}
                $totalSessions = 0
                foreach ($f in $Cache:licenseData.$service.features) {
                    $totalSessions = $totalSessions + $Cache:licenseData.$service.$f.LicensesUsed
                New-UDRow {"Total Active Feature Sessions: $($totalSessions)"}
            } -BackgroundColor $headBGColor
        } -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 # seconds
        New-UDRow -Endpoint {
            $featureNum = 0
            foreach ($feature in $Cache:licenseData.$service.Features) {
                if ( ($featureNum % 2) -eq 0 ) { $featureBackgroundColor = "LightGray"} else { $featureBackgroundColor = "White"}
                New-UDcard -Endpoint {
                    New-UDCollection -Header "Feature: $($feature)" -Content {
                        New-UDCollectionItem -Content { "Total Licenses: $($Cache:licenseData.$service.$feature.LicensesTotal)" }
                        New-UDCollectionItem -Content { "Total Licenses: $($Cache:licenseData.$service.$feature.LicensesUsed)" }
                        if ($Cache:licenseData.$service.$feature.LicensesUsed -gt 0) {
                            New-UDColumn -LargeOffset 1 -LargeSize 12 -Content {
                                New-UDCollectionitem -Content {
                                    New-UDCollection -Header "Active Sessions" -Content {
                                        foreach ($session in $Cache:licenseData.$service.$feature.LicenseUsers) {
                                            New-UDCollectionItem -Content {$session}
                } -BackgroundColor $featureBackgroundColor

        } -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 # seconds

$ei = New-UDEndpointInitialization -Function Get-CFANSLMStats
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "Remote Sensing Lab Licensing Services" -Pages $rslPages -EndpointInitialization $ei
Start-UDDashboard -Port 80 -Dashboard $Dashboard -Endpoint @($Schedule)