I just published v3-beta2 to the Gallery. Check it out: https://ironmansoftware.com/powershell-universal-dashboard-v3-beta2/
thank you so much adam for working on this but can you kindly provide some docs on how the out-griddata now works and some other
i have tried v3 but the older ways in v2 to populate data into a grid does not seem to be working any more ,when its used the progress bar just keep spinning …
like a general kind of doc on how to use v3 to populate data in a grid or table.
also i have noticed that -footer is no longer exists in v3 so far, is the footer feature removed in v3?
below is an example of a dashboard that is not working in V3
$Schedule1 = New-UDEndpointSchedule -Every 1 -Day
$Services = New-UDEndpoint -Schedule $Schedule1 -Endpoint {
$Cache:Services = Get-Service | Select-Object Name, Status | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object {
$FontColor = 'Green'
if ($_.Status -ne 'Running') {
$FontColor = 'Red'
Name = $_.Name
Status = $_.Status.ToString()
Select = if ($_.Status -eq 'Stopped') {
New-UDButton -Text "Start" -OnClick {
Get-Service -Name $_.Name | Start-Service
Show-UDToast -Message "Service Started!" -MessageColor Green -Title $_.Name -Position topCenter -Duration 2500
else {
if ($_.Status -eq 'Running') {
New-UDButton -Text "Stop" -Icon stop_circle -OnClick {
Get-Service -Name $_.Name | Stop-Service
Show-UDToast -Message "Service Stopped!" -MessageColor Red -Title $_.Name -Position topCenter -Duration 2500
$HomePage = New-UDPage -Name "Home" -Icon home -Content {
New-UDCard -Title "Welcome to Dashboard! You can begin by clicking hamburger menu icon above"
New-UdRow {
New-UdColumn -Size 6 -Content {
New-UdRow {
New-UdColumn -Size 12 -Content {
New-UdTable -Title "Server Information" -Headers @(" ", " ") -BackgroundColor "#050f7f" -FontColor "#FFFFFF" -Endpoint {
'Computer Name' = $env:COMPUTERNAME
'Operating System' = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
'Total Disk Space (C:)' = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'").Size / 1GB | ForEach-Object { "$([Math]::Round($_, 2)) GBs " }
'Free Disk Space (C:)' = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'").FreeSpace / 1GB | ForEach-Object { "$([Math]::Round($_, 2)) GBs " }
'Product Version' = "2.8.3"
}.GetEnumerator() | Out-UDTableData -Property @("Name", "Value")
New-UdRow {
New-UdColumn -Size 3 -Content {
New-UdChart -Title "Memory by Process" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint {
Get-Process | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name; WorkingSet = [Math]::Round($_.WorkingSet / 1MB, 2) } } | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "WorkingSet" -LabelProperty Name
} -Options @{
legend = @{
display = $false
New-UdColumn -Size 3 -Content {
New-UdChart -Title "CPU by Process" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint {
Get-Process | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name; CPU = $_.CPU } } | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "CPU" -LabelProperty Name
} -Options @{
legend = @{
display = $false
New-UdColumn -Size 3 -Content {
New-UdChart -Title "Handle by Process" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint {
Get-Process | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "HandleCount" -LabelProperty Name
} -Options @{
legend = @{
display = $false
New-UdColumn -Size 3 -Content {
New-UdChart -Title "Threads by Process" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint {
Get-Process | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name; Threads = $_.Threads.Count } } | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Threads" -LabelProperty Name
} -Options @{
legend = @{
display = $false
New-UdRow {
New-UdColumn -Size 12 -Content {
New-UdChart -Title "Disk Space by Drive" -Type Bar -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk | ForEach-Object {
[PSCustomObject]@{ DeviceId = $_.DeviceID;
Size = [Math]::Round($_.Size / 1GB, 2);
FreeSpace = [Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace / 1GB, 2);
} } | Out-UDChartData -LabelProperty "DeviceID" -Dataset @(
New-UdChartDataset -DataProperty "Size" -Label "Size" -BackgroundColor "#80962F23" -HoverBackgroundColor "#80962F23"
New-UdChartDataset -DataProperty "FreeSpace" -Label "Free Space" -BackgroundColor "#8014558C" -HoverBackgroundColor "#8014558C"
} -Options @{
scales = @{
yAxes = @(@{
min = 0
New-UdColumn -Size 6 -Content {
New-UdRow {
New-UdColumn -Size 6 -Content {
New-UdMonitor -Title "CPU (% processor time)" -Type Line -DataPointHistory 20 -RefreshInterval 5 -ChartBackgroundColor '#80FF6B63' -ChartBorderColor '#FFFF6B63' -Endpoint {
try {
Get-Counter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CookedValue | Out-UDMonitorData
catch {
0 | Out-UDMonitorData
New-UdColumn -Size 6 -Content {
New-UdMonitor -Title "Memory (% in use)" -Type Line -DataPointHistory 20 -RefreshInterval 5 -ChartBackgroundColor '#8028E842' -ChartBorderColor '#FF28E842' -Endpoint {
try {
Get-Counter '\memory\% committed bytes in use' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CookedValue | Out-UDMonitorData
catch {
0 | Out-UDMonitorData
New-UdRow {
New-UdColumn -Size 6 -Content {
New-UdMonitor -Title "Network (IO Read Bytes/sec)" -Type Line -DataPointHistory 20 -RefreshInterval 5 -ChartBackgroundColor '#80E8611D' -ChartBorderColor '#FFE8611D' -Endpoint {
try {
Get-Counter '\Process(_Total)\IO Read Bytes/sec' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CookedValue | Out-UDMonitorData
catch {
0 | Out-UDMonitorData
New-UdColumn -Size 6 -Content {
New-UdMonitor -Title "Disk (% disk time)" -Type Line -DataPointHistory 20 -RefreshInterval 5 -ChartBackgroundColor '#80E8611D' -ChartBorderColor '#FFE8611D' -Endpoint {
try {
Get-Counter '\physicaldisk(_total)\% disk time' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CookedValue | Out-UDMonitorData
catch {
0 | Out-UDMonitorData
New-UdRow {
New-UdColumn -Size 12 {
New-UdGrid -Title "Processes" -Headers @("Name", "ID", "Working Set", "CPU") -Properties @("Name", "Id", "WorkingSet", "CPU") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 -Endpoint {
Get-Process | Select-Object Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU | Out-UDGridData
$Footer = New-UDFooter -Copyright "$([char]169) company" -FontColor "#FF0000"
$Page1 = New-UDPage -Name "Services" -Icon server -Content {
New-UDElement -Id "Services" -Tag div4 -EndPoint {
New-UDGrid -Id "Grid" -Title "Services" -Headers @("Name", "Status", "Select") -Properties @("Name", "Status", "Select") -Endpoint {
$Cache:Services | Out-UDGridData
New-UDButton -Text "Refresh" -OnClick {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Sync-UDElement -Id "Grid" -Broadcast
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Start-UDDashboard -AutoReload -Endpoint @($Services) -Content {
New-UDDashboard -Pages @($HomePage, $Page1) -Title "Dashboard"
} -Port 1000 -Name Dashboard
appreciate any guide lines on how to convert above code to work in V3
I’ll work on making an example of that this weekend. I think that’s a great idea. I haven’t started making a migration doc yet but it’s a good exercise and documentation.
In terms of the footer, we’ll get that back in there.
If anyone else has problems with Install-module insisting on downloading Beta 1, add “-RequiredVersion 3.0.0-beta2” to the command.
My powershell might have had a case of the pre monday blues though.
Hi all, Is there an equivalent example of this dashboard for PSU? Migrating existing ud dashboards and running into a some hurdles… thanks