WebSocket Close after 5 seconds from smartphone

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3

Hi to all,

I created a dashboard that I use from smartphone.

I published the dashboard both directly on the internet and via Ngnix.

in both cases if i close the web browser and wait 5 seconds and i re-open the browser i get an error: "Cannot send data if the connection is not in the ‘connected’ State.

If I refresh the page the dashboard works correctly again.

I use a docket but i’ve another dashboard in IIS, in both case i receve the error.

From the log i read this: “[1679224521368] - Client disconnected: t4rntqd-3lCQB7ZDG5_8xw”
When i Re-Open i read this logs:

This is when I open
[1679224560727] - SetSessionId(97d1e106-ae07-43c3-aee6-26ec35843592)

This is when I click a button
[1679224564709] - ClientEvent 040fe9a7-c9b8-4bc9-992b-b50b04727d8eonClick onClick

If you have a solution I would be very grateful

Thank you