Hi all,
I was messing around with an API endpoint with the intention of uploading a backup file from a server. The overall process was very simple thanks to the demo video and worked fine until I tried to upload the ~900MB backup file. I tested with a bunch of files of smaller sizes to see how small would work and I was able to have a ~70MB file upload but a ~130MB file fail with the “Buffer limit exceeded” error. Anything larger gets the error and anything smaller works. I’m assuming a 100MB limit somewhere but I can’t figure out where and whether this limit can be changed or removed.
Any ideas?
For reference or if anyone wants to test it, here’s the code from my “/backups” endpoint.
'Post' {
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("D:\Server Backups\$([GUID]::NewGuid().toString())_$($UploadFilename)", $Data)
'Get' {
$backupFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path "D:\Server Backups").Name
return ($backupFiles | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.3.4