Upgraded to 4.2.3 now apps are failing

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.3

This is quite urgent as i cant roll back and implement a security issue. After upgrading to 4.2.3, im seeing multiple issues. The two main ones are:

  1. I have two apps currently in use, App1 works fine, App2 is opening a failing version of App1. If i look at the code it should be running in the portal it looks fine. The URL looks fine. I have no idea whats going on with it.
    Its like the page name is now unique (both starting pages are called Home).

  2. Git sync keeps throwing this error “There is no tracking information for the current branch”

Managed to fix the GIT issue by doing a

git branch -u origin/master

The app issue is still a problem, i can add a new page and call it something unique and get to it by typing in the URL manually. Going to the Home page where the name is not unique, it seems to always go to APP 1, even if i create a new app.

Fixed it for a day now its back:
These images are showing up every minute.