Universal Dashboard Twitch Stream: "Getting Starting with Universal Dashboard"

Recently, I have been streaming some Universal Dashboard development on Twitch.tv (It seems to be a trend for many developers to stream their development process) I found this to be very productive and I have received a very positive response. Because of this, I will be streaming a “Getting Starting with Universal Dashboard” stream on Wednesday, April 10th at 7:00 PM CDT over at twitch.tv/bergotronic

The Event has been scheduled on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/events/VGhGsynXTeSgyGFr0DLlTg It will focus on a presentation on the basics of Universal Dashboard and will get into authoring dashboards as well. Once I get through my presentation I will also be doing a “show and tell” for some of the projects I have recently been working on.

If you can’t make the stream live - don’t worry I’ll have the recording posted on YouTube a day or two after the stream. Hope to see some of you there!


Awesome! I wish I could watch it live but have a movie date night on Wed since there are fewer teens at the movies on weeknights <subliminal msg> change it to Tuesday so I can ask questions live </subliminal msg> but I will definitely check out the recording afterwards. :slight_smile:

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The recording from this session is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VFQwEW-fK0&feature=youtu.be

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