@adam can you please help here
I would like to add a UD component (e.g. UDLink) into a UDTable by using Name and Value.
In this scenario the -Render
is not an option.
$Data = [PSCustomObject]@{
ID = (New-Guid).Guid
Name = "Test"
Age = 4
Link = (New-UDLink -Text Link -Url "www.google.com")
New-UDTable -Data $Data.PSObject.Properties -Columns @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property Name -Title Name
New-UDTableColumn -Property Value -Title Value
The page is not redurning any error, just leaving blank.
The Name and Value Table should look like this, but should also include the UDLink.
April 21, 2020, 7:47pm
This currently isn’t supported but should be pretty easily to implement. Please open an issue.
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I’m sure that I’m misunderstanding, but have links in my tables without issues.
Edit: yeah missed the V3 tag.
New-UDTable -Title "Work Order Information" -Headers @(" ", " ") -Endpoint {
$TableData = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Work Order ID:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.WorkOrder_ID)"; Sort = "1"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Title:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.Title)"; Sort = "2"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Status:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.StatusDescription)"; Sort = "3"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Description:"; Value = New-UDHtml "<div>$($($ArgumentList.Description).Replace('`n', '<br/>'))"; Sort = "4"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Partner:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.PartnerNameFriendly)"; Sort = "5"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Time Estimate:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.TimeEstimate) Hours"; Sort = "6"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Created Date:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.Created)"; Sort = "7"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Last Modified:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.LastUpdated)"; Sort = "8"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "TicketURL:"; Value = New-UDLink -Text "$($ArgumentList.PartnerTicketURL)" -Url "$($ArgumentList.PartnerTicketURL)" -OpenInNewWindow; Sort = "9"}
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Requester:"; Value = "$($ArgumentList.Requester)"; Sort = "10"}
$TableData | Sort-Object Sort | Out-UDTableData -Property @("Name", "Value")
} -ArgumentList @($ArgumentList)
“without issues” might be a stretch - I haven’t dealt with what happens if $($ArgumentList.PartnerTicketURL)
is empty.
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GH issue has been created
opened 03:37PM - 22 Apr 20 UTC
I would like to add a UD component (e.g. UDLink) into a UDTable by using Name and Value.
In this scenario the...
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