UDSelect max items in list

Is there a way to have UDSelect component have more than 25 entries to select from? I’ve created the following dashboard where $Companies contains over 50 entries but I can only see 25 from the UDSelect component on the page.

New-UDDashboard -Title ‘Manage Per User Billing’ -Content {
New-UDForm -Content {
New-UDSelect -Id ‘Company’ -Label ‘Company’ -Option {
foreach($Company in $Companies) {
New-UDSelectOption -Name $Company.name -Value $Company.id
} -OnSubmit {
Show-UDToast $EventData.Company

I’m not seeing this on my machine. Can you double check the company list?

$Companies = 1..50 | ForEach-Object {
        Name = "Name $_"
        Id = $_

New-UDDashboard -Title "Manage Per User Billing" -Content {
    New-UDForm -Content {
        New-UDSelect -Id "Company" -Label "Company" -Option {
            foreach ($Company in $Companies) {
                New-UDSelectOption -Name $Company.name -Value $Company.id
    } -OnSubmit {
        Show-UDToast $EventData.Company

Thanks Adam. User error… My list was truncated and shows properly in the select object now.