Theme CSS Syntax for PSU 1.5

I’m attempting to modify the way certain elements in my dashboard behave/look. I’m having issues with using raw CSS, I tried writing it as it is here but only the background and primary change.

I’ve tried the following:

 $UDScriptRoot = $PSScriptRoot
 $themeCards = *New-UDTheme -Name "Basic" -Definition* @{
     '.fa-sm' = @{
         'font-size' = '6em'
         opacity = '0.2'
         float = 'left'
         position = 'absolute'
         top = '10%'
         'margin-left' = '50%'
     '.MuiCard-root' = @{
         overflow = 'hidden'
         position = 'relative'
     palette = @{
         primary = @{
             #main = '#1d3557'
             main = '#2a9d8f'
         background = @{
             #default = '#a8dadc'
             default = '#264653'
 $Pages = @()
 $Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Dashboard1' -Content {
     . "$UDScriptRoot\Dashboard1.ps1"
 $Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Dashboard2' -Content {
     . "$UDScriptRoot\Dashboard2.ps1"
 New-UDDashboard -Title 'Home' -Pages $Pages -Theme $themeCards
$UDScriptRoot = $PSScriptRoot
 $themeCards = @{
     '.fa-sm' = @{
         'font-size' = '6em'
         opacity = '0.2'
         float = 'left'
         position = 'absolute'
         top = '10%'
         'margin-left' = '50%'
     '.MuiCard-root' = @{
         overflow = 'hidden'
         position = 'relative'
     palette = @{
         primary = @{
             #main = '#1d3557'
             main = '#2a9d8f'
         background = @{
             #default = '#a8dadc'
             default = '#264653'
 $Pages = @()
 $Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Dashboard1' -Content {
     . "$UDScriptRoot\Dashboard1.ps1"
 $Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Dashboard2' -Content {
     . "$UDScriptRoot\Dashboard2.ps1"
 New-UDDashboard -Title 'Home' -Pages $Pages -Theme $themeCards
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.7

not sure if that is a typo or not with the * being applied? I assume you do not have those * astricks around the code have a look at you will see there is no parameters like -Name or -Definition the example given shows:-

$Theme = @{
    palette = @{
        grey = @{
            '300' = '#000'
New-UDDashboard -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
    New-UDButton -Text 'Small Button'

The asterisks were supposed to make that part of text italic to bring attention to it, but I’m guessing the “Preformatted Text” selection overrode it.

Yes, what you suggested is what I have in my second example. When I do this, the background color and primary menu color change but the changes made in raw CSS dont.