Cannot get UDStyle to work

Hi all,

Having trouble getting UDStyle to work again. Previously Adam advised me to put new-udelement before it, but this doesn’t seem to be working. I have confirmed the css works if I change it via developer tools


I have included Import-Module UniversalDashboard.Style in my dashboard.ps1.

Any pointers would be great.


New-UDPage  -Name "Availability" -Icon link -Content {

New-UDCard -id Availabilitycard -Content {
    New-UDLayout -Columns 2 -Content {
        New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'a' -Endpoint {
            New-UDStyle -id 'Availabilitystyle' -Style '
                                        .card .card-content {
                                            font-size   = 80px }' -Content {
                New-UDGrid -Title " " -ID Availability -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 250 -PageSize 10 -NoFilter -Endpoint {
                    $cache:status | Select-Object -First 6 | ForEach-Object {
                        $BgColor = '#8EA294'
                        $FontColor = '#E4EAED'
                        if ($_.'Status' -ne 'IN') {
                            $BgColor = '#63474D'
                            $FontColor = '#E4EAED'
                            'Name'   = New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ 'backgroundColor' = $BgColor; color = $fontColor } } -Content { $_.'Name' }
                            'Status' = New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ 'backgroundColor' = $BgColor; color = $fontColor } } -Content { $_.'Status' }
                    } |
        New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'a2' -Endpoint {
            New-UDStyle -id 'Availabilitystyle2' -Style '
                                        .card .card-content {
                                            font-size   = 80px }' -Content {
                New-UDGrid -Title " " -ID Availability2 -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 250 -PageSize 10 -NoFilter -Endpoint {
                    $cache:status | Select-Object -Last 6 | ForEach-Object {
                        $BgColor = '#8EA294'
                        $FontColor = '#E4EAED'
                        if ($_.'Status' -ne 'IN') {
                            $BgColor = '#63474D'
                            $FontColor = '#E4EAED'
                            'Name'   = New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ 'backgroundColor' = $BgColor; color = $fontColor } } -Content { $_.'Name' }
                            'Status' = New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ 'backgroundColor' = $BgColor; color = $fontColor } } -Content { $_.'Status' }
                    } |


font-size = “80px !important”
maybe should work? :slight_smile:

Hey BoSen29, unfortunately that didn’t work :frowning:

believe it needs to be font-size: 80px

That did it! thank you

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