We are seeing very slow load times with Invoke-PSUScript. It appears 10 to 20 times slow than when run on the PSU server’s pwsh 7 interface. It is consistent regardless if data is coming from SQL or CSV. We have learned about about how to show progress via write-progress and show-UDToast and leveraging cached scoped to prevent reloading but don’t know if your experience is normal or we should be troubleshooting something. We moved the server from 4 cores to 8 cores and see the additional powershell executables on the servers better leveraging the additional cores but anyone job still seems slow. The scripts we are running are fairly straight forward scripts leveraging invoke-sql to return or write between 20 and 10000 items. This isn’t related to UD-Table loading which we have found documentation how to speed that piece up.
Basic app is about 25 import scripts manually refreshed via some buttons in a table. Also options to delete import data, re-import, show data, and run some standard translations. Not a deal killer but always looking to optimize users time.
Prior to building the app it was a serries of scripts manually run via powershell ISE and much faster…although burdon of running them fell on me.
Any help on what “normal” is would be helpful or steps I can do to help determine this.