Service account vs app pool ID in IIS

I have a dashboard running in IIS. The endpoints are running as the IIS service account rather than as the application pool ID.

Is this a bug, a misconfiguration on my part, or working as designed?

Tim Curwick

Good question. I never noticed this before. UD isn’t doing anything particularly novel with IIS configuration. More of it is accomplished with configuration to the ASP.NET Core Module.

There is likely some configuration that (likely via web.config) or something in IIS.

I was wrong. A made a bad assumption. But it’s weird.

It is running as the configured app pool ID, as expected.

But $Env:UserName and $Env:UserDomain are set to the server’s AD computer account, $Env:UserProfile is set for the SYSTEM account (which is the IIS service account at the moment), and $Env:PSModulePath has a bad path where the user-specific path normally goes.

I’ll work around it, but that’s weird.

Tim Curwick