Return to Dynamic page


I have a dashboard where the first page a visitor lands on is a dynamic page. from that page they can hit the hamburger menu and select a page that is static.

but how do they return initial page intuitively?

The dashboard title is a link but that just points to /null.

Clicking back in the browser works, but I don’t consider that intuitive.

I ideally would like the Dashboard title hyperlink to point at instead
or maybe an option to add the dynamic page to the hamburger menu.

Is any on those possible

This currently isn’t possible. I think for the 2.3 release you’ll have a lot more configuration of the navigation.

I’d like to have something like:

New-UDMenu -Pages @("page1", "page2", "page2") 

Then you could just control what shows up in the hamburger menu.

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Thanks Adam,

How about that title link pointing to /Null, is that by design?

No. That seems like a bug.

Adam does ud can run as dynamic page is the main page , the code should prevent that