so the last nightly build, corrected the https problem i had … .but there seem to be a problem with the roles now.
here is a simple test
$Test = New-UDEndpoint -Url "/test" -Method GET -Endpoint {
} -AuthorizedRole "Admin"
$AuthMethod = New-UDAuthenticationMethod -Endpoint {
$role = @('Admin')
$token = Grant-UDJsonWebToken -Identity $Credential.UserName -Role $role
New-UDAuthenticationResult -Success -UserName $Credential.UserName -Token $token -Role $role
Start-UDRestApi -Port 10001 -Endpoint @(
) -AuthenticationMethod $AuthMethod
I can get a token, but then if i test my test route i get a 401 unauthorized return
PS C:\Temp> 10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:10001/api/test
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker Route matched with {action = "GetEndpoint", controller = "Component"}. Executing action UniversalDashboard.Controllers.ComponentController.GetEndpoint (UniversalDashboard)
10:29:49 [Debug] AuthorizationHandler Configuring authorization for session:47df1c52-e18b-48bb-b3cd-f5f04a78045d
10:29:49 [Debug] AuthorizationHandler No valid authorization policies for session.
10:29:49 [Debug] AuthorizationHandler No valid roles for session.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.DefaultAuthorizationService Authorization failed.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker Authorization failed for the request at filter 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Authorization.AuthorizeFilter'.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ChallengeResult Executing ChallengeResult with authentication schemes (Cookies).
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationScheme: Cookies was challenged.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker Executed action UniversalDashboard.Controllers.ComponentController.GetEndpoint (UniversalDashboard) in 2.2556ms
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.DistributedSession Session started; Key:6e36d955-940b-52c4-ed87-4c8e5eebe214, Id:c77fcfa3-df02-b237-e714-1adc06b6674b
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker Route matched with {action = "GetEndpoint", controller = "Component"}. Executing action UniversalDashboard.Controllers.ComponentController.GetEndpoint (UniversalDashboard)
10:29:49 [Debug] AuthorizationHandler Configuring authorization for session:2c18bc5a-379d-4985-85e7-78ed571338af
10:29:49 [Debug] AuthorizationHandler No valid authorization policies for session.
10:29:49 [Debug] AuthorizationHandler No valid roles for session.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.DefaultAuthorizationService Authorization failed.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker Authorization failed for the request at filter 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Authorization.AuthorizeFilter'.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ChallengeResult Executing ChallengeResult with authentication schemes (Cookies).
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationScheme: Cookies was challenged.
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker Executed action UniversalDashboard.Controllers.ComponentController.GetEndpoint (UniversalDashboard) in 2.393ms
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.DistributedSession Session started; Key:4ec60dfb-f1e2-77ed-bd8f-af5f8494d9c9, Id:f3c42067-29ef-53f9-2747-5e33b2e1f6a6
10:29:49 [Info] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost Request finished in 15.4597ms 401
i’m using this release: https://github.com/ironmansoftware/universal-dashboard-enterprise/releases/tag/nightly.20191211.1
Am i doing something wrong ???
1 Like
i tried the new nightly but the problem is stiil present, i know have an error 500 instead of a 401 …
i enabled logging, and when i do a start-udrestapi i have the following warning:
23:22:56 [Info] StartDashboardCommand - - False
23:22:57 [Debug] CustomAssemblyLoadContext Pointer Size:8
23:22:57 [Debug] CustomAssemblyLoadContext Loading files in native directory: C:\temp\universaldashboard\net472\runtimes\win-x64\native
23:22:57 [Warn] CustomAssemblyLoadContext Native file path does not exist. Universal Dashboard may not work. C:\temp\universaldashboard\net472\runtimes\win-x64\native
23:22:57 [Debug] EndpointService Register() 7618430e-b194-4e45-b362-c1c0648e1bd3 /test
23:22:57 [Debug] EndpointService Register() login
December 15, 2019, 1:08am
I’m not sure that the warning is related - CustomAssemblyLoadContext Native file path does not exist
Fixed in the latest version
December 15, 2019, 3:19pm
The nightly was failing. I fixed the issue with it and you shouldn’t get the 500 error any more.
1 Like
Yes the error is fixed, even if the warning is still present when u start the server.
Roles seems broken too as described in my initial post, i got a 401 unauthorized, even if the token contains the right role
December 15, 2019, 7:48pm
Ok. I will file a bug and look to get that fixed.
1 Like
in this type of case do you prefer an issue on you github directly ?
December 15, 2019, 7:53pm
Yeah. In the case of a bug like this feel free to open an issue on GitHub. I’ve already filed one for this case but feel free to do so in the future.
1 Like
December 16, 2019, 12:48pm
I’ve fixed an issue with REST API roles and will be in tonight’s build. Please give that a shot and let me know if it works for you.
1 Like
The fix doest no appear in the last nightly of UD Enterprise.
You did put a milestone on this issue, so i can wait for the 2.8.1
December 17, 2019, 2:09pm
This was in last night’s build…
These are the tests that have been added to check for role access. Am I missing a test case?
Context "authenticated endpoint" {
$AdminEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Url "admin" -Method "GET" -endpoint {
} -AuthorizedRole "Admin"
$UserEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Url "notAdmin" -Method "GET" -endpoint {
} -AuthorizedRole @("Admin", "User")
$Server = Start-UDRestApi -Port 10001 -Endpoint @($AdminEndpoint, $UserEndpoint) -AuthenticationMethod (
New-UDAuthenticationMethod -Issuer "Adam"
It "should return admin to admin" {
$Token = Grant-UDJsonWebToken -UserName "adam" -Role "Admin" -Issuer "Adam"
Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:10001/api/admin -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $Token" } -ContentType "application/json" | should be "Admin"
It "should not return admin to user" {
$Token = Grant-UDJsonWebToken -UserName "adam" -Role "User" -Issuer "Adam"
try {
Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:10001/api/admin -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $Token" } -ContentType "application/json"
$true | should be $false
catch {
It "should return user to user" {
$Token = Grant-UDJsonWebToken -UserName "adam" -Role "User" -Issuer "Adam"
Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:10001/api/notAdmin -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $Token" } -ContentType "application/json" | should be "User"
It "should return user to admin" {
$Token = Grant-UDJsonWebToken -UserName "adam" -Role "Admin" -Issuer "Adam"
Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:10001/api/notAdmin -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $Token" } -ContentType "application/json" | should be "User"
$Server| Stop-UDDashboard
Stop-UDRestApi $Server
you are right it’s working … the only difference i see, is that the grant-udtoken
is invoked inside the authmethod in my case and it’s still not working …
December 17, 2019, 3:02pm
Ok. Adding a test case for that to see if I can reproduce locally.
December 17, 2019, 3:10pm
This is working for me in the latest:
$AdminEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Url "admin" -Method "GET" -endpoint {
} -AuthorizedRole "Admin"
$UserEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Url "notAdmin" -Method "GET" -endpoint {
} -AuthorizedRole @("Admin", "User")
$Server = Start-UDRestApi -Port 10001 -Endpoint @($AdminEndpoint, $UserEndpoint) -AuthenticationMethod @(
New-UDAuthenticationMethod -Issuer "Adam"
New-UDAuthenticationMethod -Endpoint {
$role = @('Admin')
$token = Grant-UDJsonWebToken -Identity $Credential.UserName -Role $role -Issuer 'Adam'
New-UDAuthenticationResult -Success -UserName $Credential.UserName -Token $token -Role $role
$Token = (Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:10001/api/login -Method POST -Body @{ UserName = "Admin"; Password = "Test" }).Token
Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:10001/api/admin -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $Token" } -ContentType "application/json" | should be "Admin"
I think the trick is that I specified 2 auth methods. One is for the auth creds and then one is for the JWT.
If the remove the first AuthMethod, I get 401s for a bunch of my tests.
ok, so do i need to specify 2 auth methods ? or is this a bug ??
December 17, 2019, 6:48pm
After some thought, I’m going to call this expected behavior but it needs to be documented.
The reason is that you need a way to configure the JWT options like Issuer and SigningKey. That’s why we need the additional authentication method.
I’ll file an issue to get something documented for this.
Ah … i touhgt i could do this with grant-udtoken
directly, so i was wrong from the start xD sorry