Public facing Shared Hosting

Has anyone used UD in a public facing shared hosting scenario where you don’t have root access to the server? Something like shared hosting via Godaddy, Hostgator, Ionos or something similar?

I haven’t but they would probably have to have PowerShell or Pwsh installed and accessible for this to work. I wonder if their sandboxes allow for access to that kind of thing. I’d be really curious if someone has done this before. Might need to reach out to one of them to see if it’s possible.

I’ll reach out to my provider (IONOS) and see if this is an option. I’ll let you know what I find out just for visibility.

I’m asking because I own Right now I’m using a few Wordpress plugins to create the calculators which is way overkill and overly complicated. I’m either going to flatten it to a few simple php pages or ideally move it to UD since PowerShell is more awesomeness.

Maybe it’s a unique use case for UD as well idk.

This is the first time I’ve seen someone build something like this. Very cool use-case!