PSU 5.0.6 Discover Environments button disabled

is there a reason why the button is disabled?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.0.6

Any update on this?

Sorry you got left hanging! So, in this reply to the 5.0.7 release notes, it looks like there was an issue in 5.0.6 with this functionality. It seems to have been fixed in 5.0.7, although there are some other caveats related to the Git sync functionality I’d recommend you take a look at in the thread linked above.

Hope this helps!

@adam Acknowledged the issue in the post you linked, and said it will be fixed in 5.0.8. As he mentioned, though, it is only recreated when Git is set to TwoWay and Automatic. Any other combination of Git settings did not seem to have the issue (according to Adam’s own testing).

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