PSU 3.0 Paper Style changed?

I have updated to the new Version and my Papers looks terrible.

I create a new Dashbord with the same result:
Screenshot 2022-06-16 140145

and on my Dashbord:

The Code of the new Dashboard:

$PaperBackgroud = '#F17100f0'
$IconBenutzerrolleAllgemein = New-UDIcon -Icon 'key' -Size 'lg'
$Page1 = New-UDPage -Name 'Page1' -Content { 
  New-UDGridLayout -Content {
    New-UDTypography -Text Page1 -Variant h1
    New-UDPaper -Children {
      New-UDSelect -Option {
          New-UDSelectOption -Name "Eins" -Value 1
          New-UDSelectOption -Name "Zwei" -Value 2
        } -Id "BetriebLDIRolleSelect" -Label "Benutzerrolle" -DefaultValue 1
      } -Elevation 4 -Id "BetriebLDIPaperRolle" -Style @{ backgroundColor = $PaperBackgroud } 
    } -Design #-Layout $LayoutSeite #-Design #

How do i get the position of the content and spaceing of the paper back?

It was a major upgrade from v4 to v5 of the MUI framework for dashboards so there definitely were changes to pretty much all dashboard components.

That said, that does look awful, and I will open a bug.