Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.8.1
I have some steps that run in my New-UDButton -OnClick block that end up creating a PSCustomObject. This is run inside of a foreach loop that is saved to a variable. This is a stripped out example.
New-UDButton -OnClick {
$Results = foreach ($object in $objects) {
## Bunch of logic to populate the variables in $PSCO ##
$PSCO = [PSCustomObject]@{
'Date' = $Date
'Time' = $Time
'MACAddress' = $MAC
'ComputerOfMAC' = $MacPcName.Name
'ComputerOfGUID' = $CMGUID.Name
'User' = $MacPcName.UserName
'Model' = $MacPcName.Model
Then my table with columns to build it out.
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Date' -Property 'Date' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Time' -Property 'Time' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'MAC Address' -Property 'MACAddress' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'SMBIOSGUID' -Property 'SMBIOSGUID'
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Computer of MAC' -Property 'ComputerOfMAC' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'ComputerOfGUID' -Property 'ComputerOfGUID' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'User' -Property 'User' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Model' -Property 'Model' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTable -Columns $Columns -Data $Results -Sort -ShowSearch -ShowPagination -Dense -PageSize 10
I am getting a blank table and am obviously doing something wrong. Does anyone have any input on how to get this to display properly in the table?
February 13, 2022, 11:07pm
Is it because you aren’t returning anything from the foreach? For example, don’t store in a variable and just return from the foreach.
$Results = foreach ($object in $objects) {
## Bunch of logic to populate the variables in $PSCO ##
'Date' = $Date
'Time' = $Time
'MACAddress' = $MAC
'ComputerOfMAC' = $MacPcName.Name
'ComputerOfGUID' = $CMGUID.Name
'User' = $MacPcName.UserName
'Model' = $MacPcName.Model
1 Like
Yea. The PSCO inside the the loop is stored as a variable, $PSCO, then output. And the foreach loop is stored in another final variable, $RESULTS, comprising all of whatever was processed in the foreach.
So here is the full test dashboard I have instead of just some parts, maybe it will be more helpful.
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
$Creds = $RunAsCreds
New-UDDashboard -Title 'PXELog' -Content {
$RegExMAC = '([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})'
$RegExUUID = '[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}'
$RegExDate = '(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9]{2}'
$RegExTime = '[0-24]\d:[0-59]\d:[0-59]\d(?:\))?Z?'
New-UDSelect -Option {
New-UDSelectOption -Name 'PICK-A-SERVER' -Value 'DEFAULTVALUE'
New-UDSelectOption -Name 'DPSERVER01' -Value 'DPSERVER01'
New-UDSelectOption -Name 'DPSERVER02' -Value 'DPSERVER02'
} -Id 'PXEServer' -Label 'PXE Server' -OnChange {
$Session:PXEServer = $EventData
New-UDTextbox -Id 'PXELogLines' -Label 'Log Lines' -Value '1000'
New-UDButton -OnClick {
$Lines = (Get-UDElement -Id 'PXELogLines').value
$PXEServer = (Get-UDElement -Id 'PXEServer').value
New-PSDrive -Name 'PXEDrive' -PSProvider 'FileSystem' -Root "\\$PXEServer\SMS_DP$\SMS\logs" -Credential $Creds -Verbose
$PXELOG = Get-Content "PXEDrive:\SMSPXE.log" -Tail $Lines | Where-Object { $_ -match 'Device is in the database' -or $_ -match 'SMBIOS ID is a match' -or $_ -match 'MAC Address is a match' }
$Results = foreach ($LogEntry in $PXELog) {
$MAC = [regex]::Matches($LogEntry, $RegExMAC).value
$SMBIOSGUID = [regex]::Matches($LogEntry, $RegExUUID).value
$Date = [regex]::Matches($LogEntry, $RegExDate).value
$Time = [regex]::Matches($LogEntry, $RegExTime).value
$CMMAC = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName 'IRVDCSCCM01' -Class 'SMS_G_system_NETWORK_ADAPTER' -Namespace 'root\sms\site_XXX' -Filter "MACAddress = '$MAC'"
$CMGUID = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName 'IRVDCSCCM01' -Class 'SMS_R_System' -Namespace 'root\sms\site_XXX' -Filter "SMBIOSGUID = '$SMBIOSGUID'"
$MacPcName = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName 'IRVDCSCCM01' -Class 'SMS_G_system_COMPUTER_SYSTEM' -Namespace 'root\sms\site_XXX' -Filter "ResourceID = '$($CMMAC.ResourceID)'"
$PSCO = [PSCustomObject]@{
'Date' = $Date
'Time' = $Time
'MACAddress' = $MAC
'ComputerOfMAC' = $MacPcName.Name
'ComputerOfGUID' = $CMGUID.Name
'User' = $MacPcName.UserName
'Model' = $MacPcName.Model
} -Text 'Button'
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Date' -Property 'Date' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Time' -Property 'Time' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'MAC Address' -Property 'MACAddress' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'SMBIOSGUID' -Property 'SMBIOSGUID'
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Computer of MAC' -Property 'ComputerOfMAC' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'ComputerOfGUID' -Property 'ComputerOfGUID' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'User' -Property 'User' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Model' -Property 'Model' -IncludeInSearch
New-UDTable -Columns $Columns -Data $Results -Sort -ShowSearch -ShowPagination -Dense -PageSize 10
I thought that running the dashboard in with a RunAs configuration would have allowed it to connect to the UNC path and parse the log, but I always received “Access Denied.” So I connected with the same creds via a new PSDrive, which worked. But still no data is spit out to the table.
For anyone curious, this code reads the SMSPXE.log file on a SCCM DP and looks for PXE booting devices. It works fine in a shell. Useful for our Support team to figure out basic PXE booting issues with machines.
This looks like a scoping issue to me.
You are defining $results inside the onclick handler/scriptblock for a New-UDButton.
This is effectivly a level down from where you’re using $results on your new-udtable.
It’s like defining a variable inside a function and trying to use that variable at the script level.
Try changing $result to $session:PXELogResult (in both places)
See: Custom Variable Scopes - PowerShell Universal
Also see: Cache - PowerShell Universal
Thank you so much, @insomniacc , this was the solution. I will read over the docs and get my head around scoping. Again, thank you!