For me it is a general question on how PSU deals with RunSpaces in background. But let me outline my case first.
I have an endpoint calling a PSU Script with Invoke-PSUScript.
The PSU Script heavily deals with VMWare infrastructure, meaning:
- Importing the heavy VMWare Module stack “VMware.VimAutomation.Core” which
takes around 1 Minute to load ! I know that there are workarounds by disabling
the lookup for “publishers certificate revocation CRLs” which brings it down to
15 seconds.
Works. But is it a good idea ? No. - Connecting to VMWare vCenter and VMWare Horizon Portals
- Executing VMWare related CmdLets (the workload)
My question is; how do you deal with powershell runspaces in background.
Do you keep one per environment open and use AddScript/AddCommand/… to execute always in the same runspace or do you open a new runspace each time a PSU-Script is executed?
Are you using the standard [System.Management.Automation.Powershell] assemblies internally?
I ask because I do a lot with that stuff myself.
So the real question is.
Would it be possible to tell PSU that the heavy “VMware.VimAutomation.Core” is loaded ONCE and not every time when a PSU-Script is loaded.
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.13