Powershell Version for Integrated environments reported incorrectly

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.4.1

I’ve recently upgraded from 5.2.3 to 5.4.1 via the ZIP method and the system is up and running, but Im noticing that the default environments are still listed as powershell 7.4.6 when I was expecting 7.5.0 from the 5.4.0 release notes

If I run a terminal the PSVersionTable output lists the expected version 7.5.0, wondering if this is a bug I should log or something that I need to do on the server?

I just created a new environment to test somethin using the inbuilt powershell and got an even weirder version, Ill log it as a bug

EDIT: Environments Version listing shows incorrect data about the environments · Issue #4497 · ironmansoftware/powershell-universal · GitHub