The extension cannot connect to powershell universal when using https.
When I click the extension, Powershell universal starts and I can open the webpage and everything is working fine.
However inside VS code, I get this error:
Failed to connect to PowerShell Universal. You can configure the connection information in settings.
I’m using the dotnet dev-certs command to generate and trust the certificate for localhost.
In the extension settings, the correct App Token is present, and the https port is configured, matching the kerstel port from appsettings.json.
So I can perfectly reach everything in my browser, but the extension cannot connect.
Are you putting HTTPS://localhost:443 (or whatever port) in the computer name in the settings? It might be trying to use HTTP if the HTTPS isn’t specified.
I would think that if you remove the port from the computer name setting it won’t double that up but there is something wrong with the logic http logic.
Maybe try setting the listening address to the fully qualified domain name rather than localhost and then try the same fqdn in powershell universal extension?