Powershell universal Enhanced Transfer List Support Missing

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.3.0

I need an option to transfer multiple objects

I try to search for the object and use the ‘[>>]’ button, but it transfer all the list and not what I searched:

I notice this component on mui website:

and even a issue that opened:

@adam you write it will supposed to added in v4.3 but I don’t see this option.

ANY UPDATE regards to the issue?

Issue number #2888 not resolved, although it marked as one.
The users need to select the items one by one.

Also can you add a search option to the second list?

The list contains 300+ objects, its annoying to search one by one,

#2888 - It looks like it wasn’t merged in for some reason. The work was completed but is not in the current version. I’ve migrated to code into 4.4.0.

Adding a search to the right side should be easy enough.

Any update when 4.4.0 will be released?

Just checked the enhanced feature on 4.4.0,
When I using the searching field and then select all, It selecting All the list objects and not only what I searched for.

As you see in the picture 185/185 objects selected (after I searched only 7 need’s to be selected) - Can you help me with this issue?

Here is an example from ANT Design


Hi, @adam There is any update?


Issue isn’t fixed on 5.2.0:

I opened an issue for this so we can finally get it fixed properly.