Powershell Universal - Add Dashboard

We removed the file path because we thought it didn’t make sense for a website to specify a local file path since you’d likely be managing it remotely. But after typing out the below, I think we need to have this functionality still…

That said, to work around this, create a new dashboard with the dialog. Name it something unique.

Now in C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository (by default), you can put your dashboard files in there. In the .universal folder, there will be a dashboards.ps1 file that points to the dashboard that you want to start.

Any changes made to the Repository folder should cause Universal to just reload them automatically and your dashboard should be running.

If it’s not, you can check the Info page for the dashboard and look at the log.

You can optionally just update the dashboard.ps1 and provide the full path to the dashboard.ps1. In this configuration, Universal won’t reload if you make changes to your dashboard.ps1.